A||||2||GEBH||WINSTROL AS BAD A D-BOL?|||||| Z||000000||GEBH||10-22-2000||11:51 PM||gebh@aol.com||I have always used winnie as a toy anabolic-- 6or 8 weeks -1 ml eod. Now some guy tells me it can damage your liver and is quite harmful-past 6 weeks-something about a AA anabolic- May I ask what is the truth? HMMM-cant figute this one out/||||reg|| Z||000001||Artemis||10-29-2000||02:51 AM||huntress@operamail.com||Yes winstrol is about as toxic as any other 17aa'd AAS on a mg per mg amount. Including dbol. The toxicity stems from these modified steroids slowing down/stopping bile flow from the liver (cholestasis). None of these are 'toys'...get your liver enzymes checked before, during, and after therapy with these 17aa'd agents. Maybe try some SAMe (s-adenosyl l-methionine) to help keep the bile moving. ||||reg|| Z||000002||WarLobo||10-29-2000||11:22 PM||warlobo@operamail.com||Ditto on that Arte! I try to limit any oral to four weeks (cause I do take a bigger dose with 'em) I also take liver protection as well. And for Gods sakes, don't drink while your on! Even anit anflams are hard on your liver at this time

