A||||16||tnheygirl||Is this too much?|||||| Z||000000||tnheygirl||09-14-2000||01:41 AM||tnheygirl@ziplip.com||I have a question.
I sometimes can't get to the gym on certain days so this is what I do:
1st day-thighs,calves,hamstrings cardio
2nd day-bi's,tri's,shoulders,back
3rd day-thighs,calves,hamstrings cardio
4th day-bi's,tri's,shoulders,back
These days are in a row. Then I may take off the other 3 days or at least 2 days off in a row.

Do you think this could hinder my gains? I work very hard yet am rarely sore and I sleep constantly 9-10hrs. night and 2 hour naps everyday so I don't feel my muscles need that much time to recover.||||reg|| Z||000001||bikinimom||09-14-2000||06:40 AM||bikinimom@hotmail.com||Pecs?||||reg|| Z||000002||tnheygirl||09-14-2000||08:05 AM||tnheygirl@ziplip.com||Sorry b-mom pecks go in with my shouders routine, pretty much upper body then lower body. I don't do too much abs since I do them most of the day in the car. Seems to work.||||reg|| Z||000003||madmitch||09-14-2000||08:34 AM||||Sorry tnheygirl, but if you are not feeling sore the next day you are not using high enough intensity.

I'm not flaming you, as I too have found that if I don't really go for all out effort I will not feel sore the next day. If you do go super high intensity you are better taking a day off between workouts doing maybe some aerobics work in between. i.e you could still use the same workout that you described, but just take a day off between each workout instead of working out 4 days in a row.

It looks to me like you are trying to follow a pro's contest prep routine which is not very good., If you where to use all out effort on each of these workouts you would be burned out within a month.

Remember it is not just your muscles that need to recover from each workout, your nervous system also needs to recover.

Try it, and I bet you will fell better and gain a lot faster.||||reg|| Z||000004||tnheygirl||09-14-2000||08:58 AM||tnheygirl@ziplip.com||Thanks Mad for the advice. I wasn't aware I was following an actual routine of sorts. This is the only routine I have ever used. You can tell by my picts it was working but I think your advice may give me better results than what is already happening.I can tell ya when I work out I push to complete exhaustion on each bodypart and the only part that gets sore is my butt! ||||reg|| Z||000005||bikinimom||09-14-2000||09:09 AM||bikinimom@hotmail.com||Do you change the exercises? Or do you basically perform the same movements each workout? I found that changing the exercises I do each workout makes a big diff for me. Of course there are some that are the "mainstay" ie squats, bench, pull-ups etc - however, I do vary these slightly also. Starting out w/flat benches one chest day, then beginning w/incline the next - super-setting pull-ups w/pulldowns one workout then super-setting them w/lat shrugs the next and so on. I work my bis w/my chest these days so one workout I begin w/bis next workout I begin w/chest and so on.

I find that continually varying things keeps my muscles "on their toes" so to speak and I am almost ALWAYS sore to some degree.

Ever try giant sets? Not for all workouts but damn, you wanna put a hurtin' on yo'self?!...give it a try. :0||||reg|| Z||000006||tnheygirl||09-14-2000||09:15 AM||tnheygirl@ziplip.com||Thank ya B-mom

I do need to change up. I go so early in the am it's easy to get in a rut. By the way have you tried drag barbell curls? I looovve these things! They give such good pumps. Some HUGE wrestler from out of town was at the gym yesterday and I watched him do these as he told some little guy he thought barbell drags were the best. I am hooked.||||reg|| Z||000007||madmitch||09-14-2000||09:28 AM||||tnheygirl

Your pictures are very impressive and I have no doubt that you are working out to exhaustion. But remember what Lee Haney said "Quality not Quantity". The routine you are doing is very similar to what Dorian Yates was using for his first two years of training. The only differences are that he would train:

Legs & Arms - day 1
Rest - day 2
Chest, Back & shoulders - day 3
Rest - day 4
Legs & Arms - day 5
Rest - day 6

This is the way I am currently training.

Good luck||||reg|| Z||000008||F1hybrid||09-14-2000||09:38 AM||phatboy@columbus.rr.com||tnheygirl:

You may want to try training each bodypart once per week, heavy every other week. When I say heavy (high-intensity) I mean heavy. Light days are mostly supersets and fast. I've found this to be a good routine for everyone from my average client base to some of the competitive BBs I train (natural or otherwise). Soreness from some of the "heavy" sessions lasts 3-6 days and remember, just because you are not sore anymore doesn't mean that there still isn't microscopic damage in the muscle. You are probably overtrained. One of the biggest reasons most BBs stop making gains is because they train too much/too frequently. Recovery and diet is 80% of the game. Drugs or no drugs. My motto in the gym is, "the only reason we are here is to get out of here."

F1hybrid||||reg|| Z||000009||madmitch||09-14-2000||11:14 AM||||F1hybrid is correct about recovery being one of, if not the most important things in bodybuilding.

Why do you think steroids work so well? Because they increase the rate of recovery. But the one thing about steroids that people don't seem to realise is that sometimes the increase in strength they can give out weighs the recovery ability they give.

In other words someone who starts lifting weights and takes steroids can train pretty often and still recover using light weights. But as their strength increases rapidly they find that they are not able to fully recover from each workout. What usually happens is the person takes even more steroids in order to increase their recovery or they reduce the frequency of their workouts.

I have found that when I tried training one body part per day I was not recovering in time for the second workout. E.g. If I trained legs on monday super heavy with high intensity and then tried to train chest on tuesday, I was not able to use maximum weights on say the benchpress. How could I possible loose strength in the benchpress, after all it was legs that I trained the day before not chest?
Simple, it was not my chest that needed to recover or my legs, it was my bodies nervous system that needed to recover.

I think if you wanted to train F1hybrid's way, you would need to train heavy one day and light the next. I don't know anyone who can train with their maximum weights on each bodypart for 5 days in a row.||||reg|| Z||000010||tnheygirl||09-14-2000||01:06 PM||tnheygirl@ziplip.com||I must say I feel enlightened a bit. I guess the reason for my training routine was because it was simple, didn't have to carry around little notebooks through each exercise. (I already carry my gloves, towel, and water) The last I need is a pen and notebook. I do appreciate all the advice and plan to sit down and rethink my goals and stratagy for making the most of my time as well as my gains. Thanks||||reg|| Z||000011||bikinimom||09-14-2000||02:34 PM||bikinimom@hotmail.com||SOLID ADVICE!

..and girl, drag curls kick ASS.....I include them in nearly all my bicep workouts.||||reg|| Z||000012||WarLobo||09-14-2000||02:56 PM||warlobo@operamail.com||Good solid stuff Madmitch and F1hybrid. You guys are great asset for the ladies.

F1, haven't I seen you around a few other boards??


Lobo||||reg|| Z||000013||dirtyratt||09-14-2000||03:14 PM||twodirtyrats@hotmail.com||i would suggest...
day 1-chest, tri's, abs
day 2-back, abs
day 3-sholders, abs
day 4-legs, abs
day 5-bi's, abs and cardio

i too agree that if you are not sore the next day you need to do more weight. don't worry about keeping a few days as "off days." we all need some time off.
look for my pic's. only a back shot, but it is progress. i will try to get them up by tonite.
dirtyratt||||reg|| Z||000014||F1hybrid||09-14-2000||05:02 PM||phatboy@columbus.rr.com||madmitch is correct about AAS and recovery. So many believe that a given dose of AAS simply stops working in a period of time, it isn't that it stops working, it's that one has hit a point where the AAS is no longer able to overcome protein breakdown.

Regarding the training protocol I use.

WK 1 Sun heavy legs
Tues light shoulders and tris
Wed light bis and calves
Thurs heavy back
Fri light chest and abs

Wk 2 Sun light legs
Tues heavy shoulder and tris
Wed heavy bis and calves
Thurs light back
Fri heavy chest

Heavy workouts don't last more than 1 hour, maybe legs go an hour and 15 min or so.

Light days 20-40 min.

With my clients I use a 3 day rotation. All bodyparts worked once per week, heavy every other week, usually M, W, and F or Sat.

It really works, esp. if you are over 40 as I am. God, if I only knew at 20 what I know now.

WarLobo, you have seen me on other boards; Renegade and UG. BTW, did you ever find the lit. on deca and finasteride?

||||reg|| Z||000015||WarLobo||09-14-2000||06:44 PM||warlobo@operamail.com||I figured it was you... same handle

Sorry to say I think it got zapped.... But I'll try and dig up something. Dang, I hate it when I know something but can't tell ya why... ARGH!!!!!!


Lobo||||reg|| Z||000016||WarLobo||09-15-2000||01:39 AM||warlobo@operamail.com||Check your E-mail F1... I can't belive it, found an old back up.

