A||||14||Dlady27||Medical Question... can you help?|||||| Z||000000||Dlady27||09-11-2000||12:51 PM||giggyeyes@yahoo.com||I am putting this here just because Warlobo is on this Board alot and I am hoping he might have an answer...

For the past month I have been to the doctor, because my LYMPH NODES are swelled out all over my body. The ones under my chin are the worst, and in my throat, but When I say they all are swelled I mean all of them, under my arm pits, in between my the crease on my upper legs, etc. Anyhow my question to all of you is could this be from taking supplements? Have ANY of you had this happen before? They already took numerous blood test, and nothing abnormal for Thyroid, no Mono, and no liver troubles... I am going back to the doctor today for the 3rd time now. Anything would help me! Thanks..||||reg|| Z||000001||JayeLynn||09-11-2000||03:24 PM||greyvulf@hotmail.com||Give us a little more information Dlady. ...like what are you taking? When did it start? Other symptoms?

There is no measure to the benefits of patience and humility||||reg|| Z||000002||WarLobo||09-11-2000||03:28 PM||warlobo@operamail.com||Need a tad more info. However, I've never heard of any gear related problems with the nodes....And I've not ever heard of ALL of them getting big at the same time....

Please keep up posted on your sitch D.




Lobo||||reg|| Z||000003||Dlady27||09-11-2000||03:54 PM||giggyeyes@yahoo.com||I was taking the Xenadrine and Yohimbe that is all, next thing I knew about a month and a half ago, I started always being tired and gained 8 lbs. then I noticed that my NOdes were always swelled out. No lie for 2 months now they are always swollen and the doctor has no clue why? Well, obviously something isnt right. And I lost the weight again nad quit taking the Xen and Yohimbe until I find out what is going wrong. I will let you know an update in the AM if she,(the doc) tells me anything new or different. I thought at first it was my thyroid but those tests came back okay, so I don't know what to think.
I just wish that one of the doctors would tell me something already cause my throat looks gross. Like I have a double chin and shit. And my arm pits hurt. boo hoo! ||||reg|| Z||000004||JayeLynn||09-11-2000||04:06 PM||greyvulf@hotmail.com||I can't remember where I got the information, but it's my understanding that ephedrine can be hard on one's endocrine system and that it is a good idea to counterbalance these effects with Saint John's Wart. I had problems with Xenadrine, but different than you're describing. Are you still taking it?

There is no measure to the benefits of patience and humility||||reg|| Z||000005||MS||09-11-2000||04:16 PM||mad.scientist55@hushmail.com||I've never come across a case like yours related to the use of thermogenics. I am very certain your node swellings are caused by something else. Hope it comes right you poor thing.||||reg|| Z||000006||WarLobo||09-11-2000||06:03 PM||warlobo@operamail.com||Man, I'm getting a bad feeling here.... No gear and only mild short term use of thermos.... I'm going to call my nurse friend and she if she can do some checking as well

Arte, any thoughts on this one?


Lobo||||reg|| Z||000007||WarLobo||09-11-2000||06:04 PM||warlobo@operamail.com||Oh, you running a temp? Any other symptoms?


Lobo||||reg|| Z||000008||skydancer||09-11-2000||06:36 PM||skydancer43@hotmail.com||Dlady I can't quite remember but didn't you mention you had some other health trouble...I want to say anemia but thats not right...

Hope you get some answers soon!

Patience is a bitter plant, but it has sweet fruit.||||reg|| Z||000009||Cocktails||09-12-2000||01:05 AM||||Where you scratched by a cat, or bitten by a tick. (Possible Cat Scratch or Lyme)?


Rome wasn't built in a day!

||||reg|| Z||000010||Dlady27||09-12-2000||09:43 AM||giggyeyes@yahoo.com||Once again ladies and gents, I went to the DR. yesterday afternoon and NOTHING! She said the swelling has gotten worse in my throat right where my thyroid is but the blood test for my thyroid came back okay, so now she gave me medication to take at night before bed, to control my acid reflux in my stomach. She said that she can see that it is very bad, and might be inflamming my esophigus,(however you spell it) and even leaving little tears in the lining of my throat. So needless to say she is making an appointment for me to go see a Ears, nose , and Throat Specialist to have a Barium Swallow CAT Scan done on my throat. JUST LOVELY! My health insurance doesnt take affect here until November. And all the diet pills over the years did not help this any, so she claims. But I havent taken anything since Feb. of this year.
Now 2 weeks ago I weighed 138 and now I am down to 130 again. I just started exercising my ass off again!!!!
Took seeing that scale go up to 138 lbs. For me to get motivated again. And I bought a treadmill for the apartment.
So she said to just watch what I eat for now to try and keep the GERD under control until I see this Specialist doctor. So, thanks everyone for your input.

Sky, no I am no longer Anemic, havent been for years, all of the blood tests came back good and normal. I just have to wait and see I guess now!
Here I am TRYING to better my health and body and all this happens. GEEZ!
I will update you after I see the specialist in a few weeks. ||||reg|| Z||000011||NinjawithaGun||09-12-2000||10:18 AM||loinmax@yahoo.com||This site might be helpful, I've used it before with good results.
http://medlineplus.adam.com/ency/article/003097.htm ||||reg|| Z||000012||Lisa_The_Strong||09-12-2000||11:27 AM||lisa_the_strong@hotmail.com||OK....this is weird.....sorta off on/off topic here, but, I got 2 bottles of Xenadrine in the mail today....don't remember ordering them either...and, I haven't had much luck with herbs anyhow, as you may know Xenadrine is an herbal ECA stack, so, I had always bought Adipokentix.......
O well.....
weird||||reg|| Z||000013||F1hybrid||09-14-2000||08:30 PM||phatboy@columbus.rr.com||Dlady27:

Something's really wrong with this picture. Sounds like a systemic problem. I'd make an appt. with a good internal medicine specialist with a background in infectious diseases. They are missing something here. I also really doubt if it has anything to do with thermogenics. This has never been anything like this described anywhere in the literature as a function of thermogenics or even AAS for that matter, unless they were contaminated.

F1hybrid ||||reg|| Z||000014||WarLobo||09-15-2000||01:38 AM||warlobo@operamail.com||AAS contamination.... that will bust your balls.... Or ovaries as the case may be.

