A||||3||dude||Need help with GF!!!|||||| Z||000000||dude||09-03-2000||10:44 PM||||My girlfriend wants to lose about 15lbs and has become very depressed about it. She is 5'2" and 125lbs. not sure about bf. I have tried to convince her that all she has to do is try a little cardio and diet and the fat will start to come off. She has never exercised on a regular basis before so I know the response would be good. Also she cannot use any type of stimulants as her body is very sensitive. I have had so much trouble with this weight thing and have no clue what to do. She says dieting and working out will not help and she is just going to continue to eat and get fat. The only way she has ever lost weight before is by starving herself or barfing it up. By the way she is 18 if that helps, and if anyone has any suggestions please post and let me know. Thanks!||||reg|| Z||000001||skydancer||09-04-2000||03:44 PM||skydancer43@hotmail.com||Knowledge is power Dude...she is very young. When I was her age I was SURE that the only way to get thin was starve. On this board we focus on getting healthy, fit and building muscle. Not being a "thin fat person".

Get her on here if you can. There is SO much great info here. Sometimes when the info comes from a bf or family member, we don't listen. So it might help her to hear the right info from someone else. Feel free to give her my email if you want. I've starved/purged with the best of 'em so I know where she is coming from.

The bottom line is if SHE is not ready to learn, change her lifestyle than no one will be able to help her. She has to be willing to work hard and do it. Its the only way.

Patience is a bitter plant, but it has sweet fruit.||||reg|| Z||000002||Extra||09-04-2000||04:04 PM||hotfigure@hushmail.com||Have to agree not to push your girlfriend too much - she will listen when she is ready. She's probably all ready made her mind up and women are soooo stubborn. Why don't you buy her Oxygen or Hers Muscle & Fitness and let her read them, may be she will change her mind when she starts to read some of the articles. Don't force her to read them - just give her the magazines as a gift because you think she deserves a gift or she's feeling down.
Good luck - I really hope she's not going to barf or starve herself - but I think a lot of us women know what it's like.||||reg|| Z||000003||bikinimom||09-04-2000||09:24 PM||bikinimom@hotmail.com||Brotha - I feel your pain, nothing worse than seeing someone that you care about starve or barf herself or exercise herself to death in the desperate attempt to achieve "skinny-fat"....THAT FUCKING NUMBER ON THAT DAMNED SCALE!!!!! It is SO DIFFICULT for women of ALL AGES and stages of life to GET IT: STRENGTH IS BEAUTY - not anorexic, unimportant, lollipop-syndrome, emaciated SKINNY. Not to mention the unhealthy ramifications of such self-destructive behaviour.

I realize that NOT ALL women want to look like Monica Brandt, but wouldn't life be a little easier if the average indiviual could actually walk up a flight or two of stairs (heaven forbid) carrying a few bags of groceries without feeling the need to collapse half way up?

Get your girl on here! We promise not to bite (well, maybe not at first!).

She is young and has so much ahead of her, although as the members before me had said - you can NOT FORCE the issue. It took me quite a few years before I LISTENED TOO! I think the "mag" idea was a good one. Try to support her with positive reinforcement ie compliment her when she is doing something right - eating healthy for example (but don't be the FOOD NAZI), try to get her to come to the gym with you or start out slow with walking together after dinner, and when something isn't quite right instead of harping, tell her that you are going to try to help her figure it out together.

OK - now I'm rambling - carb deprived I guess.

You've gotta let her know that if she's got a few extra #s THAT IS NOT THE END OF THE WORLD. Her health is DEFINITELY more important, and you love her for WHO she is NOT just HOW she looks. Once she gets the hang of a healthier lifestyle it will show through to the outside SOON ENOUGH! Good luck and let us know how she does.||||reg||