A||N||9||lulu33||how does this sound?|||||| Z||000000||lulu33||09-01-2000||01:58 PM||cortney@babenet.com||After I inhaled my last Ring Ding which was quickly followed by enormous guilt I decided to finally design a diet/exercise plan that I could follow. Please critique, by the way I am not as hard core as most of you ladies are, I'm just a normal Joeanne that want's to look great. So I would apprecaite any feedback. I would like to drop a good solid 10-15 pounds of fat. I'm 5'5 and 132#. I'm also going to Mexico and geeting some clen. How much do ya recken I should take?

5-6 days a week I run 3-4 miles first thing in the morning

3 days a week 20 min of cardio around 12:00 followed by arm exercises

2 days a week I have a personal trainer and we do legs and sprints

Now for the tricky part, the eating part-

2 eggs
1 slice of cheese
2 pieces of bread
1 1/4 of 1% milk
1 piece of fruit

1 serving Weight Watchers meal
mixed green salad
low fat yogurt
1 fruit

1 small sweet potato (3-4 oz)
5 oz chix
1/2 c cooked vegies
1 c mixed greens

1 bread
1/2 c 1% milk
1 1/2 tsp peanut butter

So that's it. Please be kind

||||reg|| Z||000001||Iron God||09-01-2000||04:26 PM||irongod@hushmail.com||Did you actually read any of the posts on this board?

IG||||reg|| Z||000002||lulu33||09-01-2000||04:33 PM||cortney@babenet.com||Yeah, thanks for your expertise. I appreciate it.||||reg|| Z||000003||SassyS||09-01-2000||04:40 PM||latexss@yahoo.com||LuLu.. I dont see any weight bearing exercises there. Legs? Are you actually training legs? I'm a tad confused here.
Do a search on here for others looking for basic advise. I think youll find most women here are looking to not only lose fat but (more imoprtantly to most of us I think) also gain MUSCLE. All that cardio with all those carbs in your diet isn't going to do much for you. We all kindof throw around this nasty term called "skinny-fat".. and Im hoping thats not the route you are trying to take.
Most of the women here weigh more than they actually look like they do.. why? Muscle. Plain and simple. Transpose your extra fat with muscle, and you could be a solid and stunning 5'5" 132#.
Get your BF tested. Eat more protein and get a trainer that knows about weight bearing exercises.
BTW.. stop looking at the scale. ||||reg|| Z||000004||skydancer||09-01-2000||04:49 PM||skydancer43@hotmail.com||lulu - I would work on nailing down your diet before starting any chemical support. You haven't been working at the diet long enough to see any results yet.

There are many many changes that could be made in your diet...go to the diet discussion board and look under "did someone say lose fat"...I've posted my diet there. Maybe you can get some ideas there.

Good for you for starting down the right path...if you have any questions on what I posted just ask.

Patience is a bitter plant, but it has sweet fruit.||||reg|| Z||000005||lulu33||09-01-2000||05:49 PM||cortney@babenet.com||Thank you so much Skydancer, I looked up your diet and will give it a whirl. If you could send me other versions I'd appreciate it. I'm also going to purchase some of the protein powder as well. Which kind do you buy the Penta Pro MRP or the just the Penta Pro? Have you ever tried their Night Formula shakes?||||reg|| Z||000006||skydancer||09-01-2000||07:33 PM||skydancer43@hotmail.com||You can adjust your diet according to your particular needs...aim for 1-1.5g protein per pound bodyweight. The carbs and fat you can move up or down according to what feels good to you. For example, you might cut the fat a bit lower than I gave an example of so it is more to 20% than 30% of your intake. Do you know how to figure out your percentages of your macronutrients? You might also want to cut out the evening shake and distribute it elsewhere so you are not eating late at night but this has to be your own personal preference. Listen to your body and see what feels good. I'm always making adjustments to mine. Recently I lowered the fat intake and upped the carb intake just slightly so I am more at a 40/40/20 ratio. I want to see how that feels this month.

I use penta pro - not the MRP. I wanted the protein benefit only. I try to get most of my foods whole if I can. I've never tried the other kind you mentioned.

Don't forget that it IS okay to have a cheat meal here and there. I just have to be careful because I seem to crave more crap when I'm eating things I normally don't.

You asked for other versions...you mean like other days or less calories or???

Patience is a bitter plant, but it has sweet fruit.||||reg|| Z||000007||SassyS||09-01-2000||07:33 PM||latexss@yahoo.com||If you cant gack down the protein shakes, try a protein bar. (I have a hard time with shakes) I like Pure Protein Bars, Blueberry cheesecakes flavored. Yum||||reg|| Z||000008||skydancer||09-01-2000||07:36 PM||skydancer43@hotmail.com||btw - sassy is correct about ignoring the scale. As you replace muscle to fat ratio changes, the scale might not change at all or even go up. I look better at 140 than I ever did at 125.

Patience is a bitter plant, but it has sweet fruit.||||reg|| Z||000009||lulu33||09-01-2000||07:37 PM||cortney@babenet.com||Thanks Skydancer-
I meant other days. I'll let you know my progress.||||reg||