A||||2||Gettinhard||Great job!!!|||||| Z||000000||Gettinhard||07-30-2000||08:40 AM||gstiteler@hotmail.com||I dont post on this board, i am on the anobolic board...

but i read this board and just wanted to compliment you ladies! this board dosent have all the childish bullshit we have....You ladies are very knowledgable and your questions and replies are great.....You have great Moderator responses and participation..Just wanted to tell you that!

Keep it up!!!!!||||reg|| Z||000001||missgalaxy||07-30-2000||01:28 PM||missgalaxy@hushmail.com||Thank You! And yes our mod is pretty awesome! ||||reg|| Z||000002||skydancer||07-30-2000||05:40 PM||skydancer43@hotmail.com||Yes - amen to what missgalaxy said!!

Patience is a bitter plant, but it has sweet fruit.
