A||||2||Snow White||Warlobo -- My First Sust250 Shot|||||| Z||000000||Snow White||07-04-2000||11:26 AM||nanu2554@musclemail.com||Got it on Saturady, shot 1/2 on Monday mixed with 50mg of deca. I put the other half in another syringe to wait for next Monday. Is this OK? I have it in a drawer in the bedroom. Should it be refrigerated?? Anyway, I did a delt shot, no big deal. A little soreness today, but no where near the demarol shot I once got in the delt. That shit hurt for 4 days.
I'll keep you guys posted as to strength increases, BF loss, etc. And, I'll let you know if I start to sprout chest hair (just kiddin')

Snow. ||||reg|| Z||000001||Iron God||07-04-2000||02:17 PM||irongod@hushmail.com||The SUS should work nicley for you,No problem leaving it in a syringe just don't leave in the sun or out in the car test in moderate doses will give you great muscle and strength gains.

Nam Et Ipsa Scientia Potestas Est!

||||reg|| Z||000002||WarLobo||07-04-2000||06:29 PM||warlobo@operamail.com||Yup, what IG said. I know your going to kick it in the gym!

