A||||11||dirtyratt||winny or primo?|||||| Z||000000||dirtyratt||07-01-2000||12:32 PM||twodirtyrats@hotmail.com||ok, i have them both, but want some answers to what you all think i should do. i am not going to stack them. it is going to be one or the other.
i've done a short primo cycle in the past and got good results. you think i should stay with this? i have heard the winny gives you faster results and will shred me up more. the sides are the only turn off with that though.
let me know what you all think. i am starting on monday morning.
dirtyratt||||reg|| Z||000001||missgalaxy||07-01-2000||05:48 PM||missgalaxy@hushmail.com||Sorry i can't answer your question, reason being because i've never tried either. However, i am thinking about sarting a cycle and orginally i was gonna stack primo, eq, b-12. but have since changed my mind. If i do anything it will have to be orally cause i'm too much of a sissy. Anyway, i was wondering , you said you got good results with primo before, so i'm wondering how long you took it and if it was tablets or injections and would like to know in more detail your results, if you don't mind. Thanks, missgalaxy.||||reg|| Z||000002||paladin||07-01-2000||07:11 PM||paladin@satx.rr.com||My S.O.'s favorite is Winny and she has done both. I think she is going to post her pics today so you can look at them if that helps your decision. She uses it to stay lean and muscular, not really to bulk up, but that's all in the diet and that's another story. Matt

What we do in this life echoes in eternity||||reg|| Z||000003||dirtyratt||07-02-2000||12:39 AM||twodirtyrats@hotmail.com||i took 1 50mg shot a week for four or five weeks. the results were awesome, but i ran out of gear...have it all before you start!! i learned the hard way.
as for the oral or injectable, do not be scared of needles. i was terrified of needles until my first shot. honestly, it did not hurt at all. will this be your first cycle? if so, i don't think you should stack anything togeather. see what results you get from one, then decide if it gives you what you are trying to accomplish.
i will post some before and after pics soon. i need to get the camera out, but i am so lazy.
good luck miss gal. let me know what you decide to do. i will do the same.


[This message has been edited by dirtyratt (edited July 02, 2000).]||||reg|| Z||000004||missgalaxy||07-02-2000||04:47 PM||missgalaxy@hushmail.com||Dirtyratt- Yes this will be my first cycle, if i decide to do it. And yes, i was orginally thinking about stacking them, but have since realized it would probably be better not to. I notice Warlobo is always suggesting for beginners to just start out with one to see how your body reacts to it. It was my boyfriends idea to stack, he's been using a long time, but is not as knowledgeable with roids & WOMEN. So since i've been gathering info on this board i have decided otherwise. Also i'm wondering if i can't reach my goals without AS. I think i can, i'll just have to up my cardio and start doing it twice a day. I'm planning on posting my pic on the page riptchick created for us, but can't quite figure out how. Anyway maybe after my picture is available i could gets lots of advice on how to acomplish my goals. And yes i am very afraid of needles. That's why i'm considering orals. I'll pass out! Did you take your injection in the ass or arm?? missgalaxy ||||reg|| Z||000006||BuffBlondie||07-02-2000||08:32 PM||buffchick2@aol.com||Hi everyone!

I have never posted, but i've been reading the posts for a few weeks. I am currently at 12% bf, 125 lbs, and i'm just over 5'1. I am competing (fitness) in about 6 weeks, and I would like to get my bodyfat down to 9%. Is this crazy? I have used clen before, but don't want to this time around because last time it didn't work as well. I am seriously considering winny. There are many posts on the subject, and i've read a lot of them, but I would like to know yall's opinion honestly if it's worth it, or should I just rely on diet/cardio to get me there? I've gone from 134 to my current weight in about 2 months. Diet is clean, I can give more info on that! Hope this isn't too much to ask of you guys! I just wanna get LEANER! Thanx!

If you do what you've always done, you'll end up with what you've always gotten!||||reg|| Z||000007||Eramthgin||07-02-2000||10:32 PM||eramthgin_as@hotmail.com||winny

Don't put off to tomorrow what you can do today.

If you enjoy it today you can always do it again tomorrow.||||reg|| Z||000008||dirtyratt||07-02-2000||11:48 PM||twodirtyrats@hotmail.com||you think winny huh? well, i better decide soon b/c i am starting tomorrow
miss gal. i took it right in the ass. oh, that did not sound so good, did it? i swear ...it does not hurt!
well, i guess i will let you all know tomorrow night what i decide. decisions, decisions. dirtyratt||||reg|| Z||000009||gymratgrl||07-03-2000||12:24 AM||pbenamati@aol.com||I'm not sure anyone can help me with this.

I have used winny once about 3 yrs ago and liked it. Since I have moved and don't know a lot of people. I called a "friend" where I had been living and let him know I wanted some winny. Well, he isn't coming through for me.....I have been waiting for weeks now. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to get stuff? I workout at a 24 Fitness, it doesn't appear there are many, if any, that might be able to help.

I'm open to any and all suggestions.
||||reg|| Z||000010||FitnessChick||07-03-2000||12:10 PM||fitnesschick@hushmail.com||I loved the results I had with winny....||||reg|| Z||000011||dirtyratt||07-04-2000||12:48 AM||twodirtyrats@hotmail.com||did you ever use primo before?
well, as an update i just thought i would let you all know what i decided to do. i went with the primo.

50mg shot a week for 4 weeks.

Up to 100mg shot a week for a week.

Then back to 50mg shot a week for two more weeks.

i think i will gain lean muscle on the primo, get a little stronger, then shred up with the winny. anyone think i am getting in over my head?
how did you dose the winny fit.chick? let me know. it's time to start the party. no work tomorrow.!! dirtyratt||||reg|| Z||000012||gracy||08-25-2000||03:50 PM||carina.persson@lillsjon.net||bump..

a litle women whit big muscles||||reg||