A||||1||Jerichoholic||Question about fat|||||| Z||000000||Jerichoholic||06-29-2000||11:09 AM||||I have read so much about flax seed oil and fat loss. I was wondering if you are able to use all natural peanut butter, olives or almonds instead. I always thought it was better to eat whole foods. I find it is more satisfying to munch on something. I don't use any protein shakes or MRP's to add the oil to. I heard it tastes really gross.

One more question about the grams of fat you should aim for per day. I weigh 109 and I'm 5'1. My protein is high and carbs are usually low.||||reg|| Z||000001||Jerichoholic||06-30-2000||01:42 PM||||Does anybody have any ideas about this?||||reg||