A||||8||BigPappa||Fat removal of target areas|||||| Z||000000||BigPappa||06-27-2000||02:47 PM||||Ms, FitnessChick, WarLobo, et al...

Have any of you tried the following pharmaceturical items for targetting fat areas locally such as hips or thighs:

TRIMAG (Tiratricol)
Preperation H (hemmoroid stuff)||||reg|| Z||000001||masterhunker||06-27-2000||02:59 PM||krise29@yahoo.com||Pappa-a BB friend of mine has used Prep. H to shrink loose skin prior to competition. He said I should use it for my pregnancy baggage! He said it is only a temporary fix. I haven't heard of the others.||||reg|| Z||000002||Dlady27||06-27-2000||03:18 PM||||pappa ~ there are many models that use hemmroidal creams too to tighten and shrink skin, but it is only temporary. Me personally do not want to smell like that shit all day.||||reg|| Z||000003||MS||06-27-2000||04:23 PM||mad.scientist55@hushmail.com||Yeah, those hemaroid preparations will temporarily dehydrate the subcutaneous layer to make it appear smoother and tighter, but have no affect on fat-loss in the area and are very temporary.

Haven't heard of Xenical used this way. Tell me more about it if you know. And Tiratricol has very weak peripheral action so I would not expect it to make much difference either. But I haven't tried it.

The Mad Scientist
||||reg|| Z||000004||Dlady27||06-27-2000||04:36 PM||||MS, doesn't the Xenacal just make you "poop" a lot more than usual? This is what i have been told.

I would never take that, all I need to do is drink a whey shake, lol ||||reg|| Z||000005||MS||06-27-2000||04:47 PM||mad.scientist55@hushmail.com||When taken orally it blocks the absorption of some of your dietary fat, thus making you poop more. But I think Bigpappa was asking about local applications of it to problem areas, and I can't see the logic in it. Maybe I misunderstood his question?||||reg|| Z||000006||Texas Guns||06-27-2000||05:28 PM||texas_guns@hotmail.com||Big Pappa, I have used thiomucase injections and yes they work for a short time. Most competitors use it prior to competition to dehydrate the fat cell, like MS said, but this is only good for about 2 weeks. Localized injections are very effective for a while, but there are no miracle cures for fat. Only dlet and exercise are the real solution. Oh yes and liposuction does wonders too!!!!||||reg|| Z||000007||bikinimom||06-27-2000||06:58 PM||bikinimom@home.com||preparation H makes a cool gel that does not smell. When you're up till 2 in the AM and need to be up for a shoot at 5 and look real pretty - it works quite nicely (under eyes). I've not used it on my behind or thighs though because I've not needed it. I've heard some stories of beauty pageant chicks that slather themselves up and wrap themselves up in cellophane and sweats the night before a competition (supposed to cut down on the "cheesage"). I don't know if any BB have done this though. I would imagine that if you're at 8%bf you would not have cheesage.||||reg|| Z||000008||riptchick||06-27-2000||07:05 PM||||My best friend has been on Xenical for 6 weeks. It took several doctors and no insurance coverage on the prescription to finally get it. During that three week time she has lost 22 pounds. Now I live in Michigan and she lives in FL so how she looks and feels is really second hand. Basically she eats very very poorly. Being a police officer its drive thrus 24-7--Taco Bell being her favorite. She is prescribed to take the pill immediately following her meal. Her physician didn't even really give her the proper breakdown of what she should eat (she doesn't listen to me) but told her to not consume more than 30% of her meal from fat. Needless to say, she had tons of mucousy stools and frequent accidents until by trial and error she has learned that chicken breast and tuna doesn't cause that. ha ha. Now she says that she just takes one if she is going to cheat. She reports to me that although she has lost 22 pounds she's sagging everywhere. I am assuming because she was obese it is going to take alot of time for that skin to shrink back up. From what my friend has told me it blocks fat absorption and it passes out of the body rather quickly without ever being digested fully.

OK now I realize I have to post a pic because I just read this post and I know everyone is thinking "sure, its her friend that is overweight". ||||reg||