A||N||2||gymratgrl||The Zone|||||| Z||000000||gymratgrl||06-26-2000||07:51 PM||pbenamati@aol.com||Does anyone have experience with eating in the Zone?? I have been following th 30-30-40 for a long time and I like it.

I decided to start following the eating in blocks in hopes to get leaner. He suggest 3 blocks for a female. The first few days I found it was enough food. Now I am finding myself hungry every coupe of hours.

I am 5'2, and 116 lbs. I am working hard to be leaner and I'm not sure if I should eat more because I workout so hard or if I am eating enough for someone my size. I want to be leaner, but I don't want to be hungry all the time.

The good news it does stabalize my blood sugar so I don't crave the carbs.

I am interested any personal experiences.||||reg|| Z||000001||riptchick||06-26-2000||07:55 PM||||I'm not sure 30, 30, 40? Does that mean 30 protein, 30 carbs and 40 fat? Or is it the opposite? ||||reg|| Z||000002||skydancer||06-27-2000||11:33 AM||skydancer43@hotmail.com||As one who has tried every diet possible I found the Zone didn't have nearly enough calories to maintain my activity level. Barry Sears recommends 3 blocks of protein per meal which if you are lucky works out to about 1200cal a day. Not nearly enough to support you. There are plenty of discussions about diet on this board...try "women and diet", "are you eating enough", "my diet and how I'll feel at 5pm" for more detail.||||reg||