A||||3||Dlady27||Two Muscles or One a Day????|||||| Z||000000||Dlady27||06-23-2000||12:03 PM||||I need to know EVERYONE"S thoughts on this question.

Some of the trainers at the gym tell me to work only one muscle a day followed by 30 mins of cardio since I am only 1 month into lifting.
Then other people that weight lift, (men & women) tell me they work 2 muscles a day, those that compliment each other, and to only do 2 specific exercises for each muscle. And cut cardio down to only 3 days a week.

I do not know which statement is right. Can you ladies please help me, and give me some input on what I should do right now?

I have been working one muscle a day with 4 different exercises then doing my cardio, and I am using heavy enough weights to where I can only do 6 to 8 reps, with 3 sets each.
||||reg|| Z||000001||WarLobo||06-23-2000||12:37 PM||warlobo@operamail.com||Technically speaking, you can't work just one muscle, therefore this training theory is flawed at best (more like utter non-sense)

Re-think the way you workout. Try to concentrate on the big 3 compound movements, Deads, squats, and bench. Build your workout program around these. Toss in bent rows, shoulder press, chins, dips, stiff legged dead, and many other "minor" compound movements.

When you incorporate these big movements you will often need a day of rest following. As for your cardio, I'm a big believer in doing less cardio session per week, but doing them for a longer period of time. Say three times per week for 45 min. & 60 would be kick ass. It often take 30 minutes just to get to the point to burn off the stored fat.



||||reg|| Z||000002||riptchick||06-23-2000||12:43 PM||||I have found everyone has a different theory on this. Again, being no expert, take this with a grain of salt. Most of the time (I'm saying most because I change my routine alot...I think everyone benefits from changing up once in a while)this is what I do:

Back and Bis
Chest and Tris
Shoulders, abs and calves

In addition, I do cardio, every other day when I first wake up on an empty stomach.

I have various reasons for training like this. First, I am one of those people whose abs show even when I'm in fat mode. I have other body parts that are lagging hence I only train abs with weight once in my four day routine even though I know you can train them more often. I tend to keep my legs (Quads, hams, glutes etc. all in one day because I try to trash them so hard that typically I can't even think about legs again for another 4 days. They are still hurting! Just one example...you have to find a routine that works for you. The hardest thing for me was making that mind muscle connection...Being able to really direct your training. Prioritize and see what gives you results. Whatever method you choose though I think intensity will give you results and don't overtrain. But don't listen to me because I never ever bag a day! Give yourself enough time to recouperate. Hope that helps a little. ||||reg|| Z||000003||Dlady27||06-23-2000||03:47 PM||||WL, if you have a minute can you check your email please I sent you these logs they gave to me at the gym, wanted to know if you could help me out with them.||||reg||