A||N||12||Diablo's Xstasy||Please help!! Whats wrong with my body?|||||| Z||000000||Diablo's Xstasy||06-21-2000||01:24 AM||diablosxstasy@aol.com||I posted a similar message on the Diet board, but I'm a woman and I thought you women might be able to help a bit better and hey I can use all of the advice i can get.
Basically Ive been working out for two years and recently got very very serious about it.
3 months ago I weighed 136.5 32% bodyfat, Im 5'1.
Now I weigh 141.8lbs. and am at 30% bodyfat.

I have been on such a strict diet it's not funny. I do have one cheat day where I can eat anything I want until 5pm and after that it's only chicken, fish, or salad.
I eat everyday 1400 cal, 8g fat, 250 carbs, 112 sugars, and 140 protien.
I work out 5-6 days a week training 1-2 bodyparts in 45minutes to an hour, sometime a little more if it's two. I do a routine similar to my boyfriends.
And I do 30min high intensity cardio 15min low intensity 4-5 times a week.
When I lift I usually do 15 reps 3 sets last set of each exercise is supersetted.
I used to lift very heavy and do only up to 8 reps 3 sets with last one supersetted.
now I can still lift as heavy as I was if not heavier then I was when I was doing 8 reps.
Also I began taking Xenadrine Im up to 5 caps a day was taking 4...

Please help me Im at a wits end and I've asked professional bodybuilders and they cant really figure it out. My body should be developing much more rapidly and burning fat quicker as well.
I dont care about my weight as long as it looks good and feminine, I just want my bodyfat down to at least 20% that'll be a huge change for me loosing 10%.

Dx||||reg|| Z||000001||Cocktails||06-21-2000||02:12 AM||||Are you doing 250 Grams of carb and 112 grams of sugar a day? If so you are doing way, way, way to much of both. I do 40-60 grams of carbs and try to do NO sugar! Those heavy carbs are turning to instant fat. Do more protein, as much as you can hold, basically and get off the carbs and sugar. You will see results in a week or 2.||||reg|| Z||000002||BLONDBLDR||06-21-2000||09:55 AM||hardcoremuscle@aol.com||COCKTAIL IS RIGHT. TOO HIGH IN THE CARBS AND DEFINITLY TOO HIGH SUGAR. THATS THE WORST THING YOU CAN BE CONSUMING. MOST SUGAR STORES INTO FAT AND IS VERY HARD TO GET RID OF. CONTINUE EATING 5 OR 6 HEALTHY MEALS HIGHER PROTEIN AND NO NO SUGAR. KEEP THE CARBS TO A MINIMUM AND STOP EATING THEM AROUND LUNCHTIME. AFTER THAT ONLY VEGGIES AND PROTEIN. TRY TO HAVE YOUR LAST MEAL BY 700 PM. BELIEVE ME IVE BEEN DIETING ALL MY LIFE. HA HA. I KNOW WHAT ITS LIKE TO GET TO A PLATAUE. ALSO YOU NEED LOTS OF WATER ALL DAY AND PLENTY OF REST. GOOD LUCK!||||reg|| Z||000003||Diablo's Xstasy||06-21-2000||10:27 AM||diablosxstasy@aol.com||But how do I get rid of the sugar and Carbs?
I eat 1 cup of cheerios in the morning with fat free milk
And my other carbs during the day is from whole wheat bread with a can of tuna fish
And the last of my carbs comes from a protien bar Source One by Met Rx I think it only has like 20 carbs.
And I work out at 6-8 o' clock at night, I wish I could earlier, and afterwards I always feel hungry it stimulates my hunger so I have 4 small pieces of chicken that has practically no carbs and high in protien and very low carb vegetables.
On the diet board someone suggested I up my fat intake and my calorie intake so my body doesnt think it's starving itself?
And also they think I should go back to lifting heavily for 8-10 reps.
His reasoning for that is the marathon spirters are more cut then the people who go around and around the track....
Is this a good thing to do as well???
Thank you for your help too!!! This means a lot to me

Dx||||reg|| Z||000004||WarLobo||06-21-2000||10:29 AM||warlobo@operamail.com||112 GRAMS OF SUGAR!!!!!

Read the thread "White Death" I'll bumb it up again.


Lobo||||reg|| Z||000005||Texas Guns||06-21-2000||11:13 AM||texas_guns@hotmail.com||One word for you.....CHANGE! Do something different. The old saying goes, "Do the same thing, get the same result. Do something different, and change your life forever." Try the workout that War Lobo had suggested. Do a timed workout. Do different sets, different exercises for a while. You are not a man, so your body is not going to respond the same way as your man doing the same workout. Increase your calories slightly, but with fresh vegetables and whole grains. Make sure your grains are whole and have no "enriched" anything. Cut the cheerios and milk out all together. See how differently your body responds when you cut out the dairy products all together. Stick with egg whites, vegetables, and oatmeal in the morning. Take in your energy bar before your workout (not sure if MetRx is the way to go on that, ISS is much better)and maybe try a protein shake after your workout. Check out the sugar content in everything!!!!! Remember we no longer eat for taste around here! We eat for nutritional value!!! hahaha

Change your cardio up. Try something new. Your body gets accustomed to the same ol' thing day after day and then you are in a rut. Let's get out of it by changing up your routines. Watch how some of the fitness competitors train in your gym. My eyes are always watching how differently people train and learning from what I see. It's all by trial and error sometimes before we master our bodies.

Hope this helps.

Mrs. TG

"That which does not kill us, makes us stronger!"
||||reg|| Z||000006||Iron God||06-21-2000||11:50 AM||irongod@hushmail.com||Your metabolism has probably slowed way down check your body temperature every day first thing in the morning for a week if it's consistently below 98-99 range than you need to bump up your metabolic rate

Nam Et Ipsa Scientia Potestas Est!

||||reg|| Z||000007||markkemax||06-21-2000||11:55 AM||www.eakerlance@hotmail.com|| The only thing I can add to the information above is dont cut your complex carbs lower than ~45g a day. You need them in the creb's cycle to use & get rid of the fat in your body.

MarkKeMax||||reg|| Z||000008||Diablo's Xstasy||06-21-2000||02:28 PM||diablosxstasy@aol.com||Thanks for all of the help I'm taking my man shopping tonight and we're going to buy me food.
I wish I could drink a protien shake, but they seriously upset my stomache, I get cramps and I tend to put it as nice as I can throw it up within a half an hour or so of drinking it. And it doesn't matter what time of day I drink it, before after or even hours before I work out. They're just not the way to go for me, that's why I eat the met rx bar. Right now Im trying to put together a good diet and I'll post it to get your opinions on it if you don't mind =o)
I think for cardio I'm going to start swimming in my pool in the mornings first thing before I eat. I was going to today but the pools 45 degrees, wayyy too cold for me, hopefully this afternoon it's better.
Thank you again for the help and I'll make sure to research a few other things before I ask you guys anymore questions I don't want to have to make you repeat anything. =o)
Oh and that advanced FAQ board would be really cool for a newcomer like me =o)||||reg|| Z||000009||Cocktails||06-21-2000||02:45 PM||||I'd drop the bar, too! Are you aware that even those nice vegetables are carb loaded?
It may seem harsh, but you may want to check out the Atkin's Diet. All protein and fats and no sugar or carbs. I have found it to be very purifing when I get off on a sugar and carb binge.
Eat all the protein you can hold! Absolutely no bread, cereal, etc. of any kind. You don't need it. With a carb, a little goes a very long way. That cup of Broccoli is 8 grams of carb. A cup of Grapes is 22 grams. See what I mean? If you keep it to 40 to 60 grams a day, that doesn't allow for much.
||||reg|| Z||000010||MS||06-21-2000||03:18 PM||mad.scientist55@hushmail.com||
IF I take what you say at face value (and this is a virtual board so I have to), there's some things you need to
address right away. Somebody's mathematics is of whack. 250gm carbs + 140gm protein + 8gm fat (and I'm
suspicious of this fat value because of the types and quantities of food your eating) adds up to ~1650 cals
per day. At around 100 lbs LEAN body weight (which is what I calculate you at) you should be eating No
more than 1400-1600cals.

And if you were one of my PT clients and you were SERIOUS about losing the fat I would ask tou to cut out
ALL processed carbs. 60-80 grams per day from unadulterated whole grains, plus some extra carbs from fresh
vegetables. I would also have you add NO SEASONINGS (including salt, soy sauce, dressings etc...) except
for spices such as pepper, ginger, coriander, cumin, garlic,....
Your last 'starchy carbs' would be no later than 2pm, and your last (protein and veggie) meal would be AT
LEAST 2 hours before bedtime. That's just for starters. Your day would look something like this:

Meal 1 45 grams carbs
40 grams protein
1/2 tsp flax oil

Meal 2 25 grams carbs
40 grams protein
1/2 tsp flax oil

Meal 3 15 grams carbs
40 grams protein
1/2 tsp flax oil
1 Cup broccoli

Meal 4 2-3 cups fresh fibrous veggies
40 grams protein
1/2 tsp flax oil

Meal 5 2-3 cups fresh fibrous veggies
40 grams protein
1/2 tsp flax oil

This is 200 gams protein, 150 grams total carbs, and around 20-25 grams fat for a total of around 1600 cals per day.

Your starchy carbs would come from oats, whole wheat such as shredded wheat, brown rice, maybe some
boiled spuds. You should try some other protein mixes. Surely they can't all make you throw up? Have you
tried soy protein for instance?

You would also take a range of multi-vits and minerals (read WarLobo's post on this topic).

As I say, this is just for starters.....and of course it's just my opinion. Obviously this diet would need to be fine-tuned as you go to optimize results, including increasing calories, throwing in cheat meals, etc...

[This message has been edited by MS (edited July 06, 2000).]||||reg|| Z||000011||Diablo's Xstasy||06-21-2000||03:24 PM||diablosxstasy@aol.com||Sounds great right now Im taking all of this in and then I'll be getting around to planning a diet. I just downloaded 17 pages from a sight about the metabodiet or something like that... it says what foods have how much of what... ie cal, fat etc..
So tonight I'll be reading and trying to take all of your suggestions and put 'em to work =o)
Hopefully in 18 days I'll be able to loose a little bit cause it'll be my 21st b-day and I'd really really would like to get rid of some fat. Ive been trying =o)
Thank you for all of your help, I really can't thank you enough.

Dx||||reg|| Z||000012||SassyS||06-22-2000||02:53 PM||||MS mentioned soy protein and I have found that GeniSoy is pretty good. Has some good stuff in it too. (P=24g, fat=0, carb=0, 100 calories & lots of vits & min's)||||reg||