A||||3||riptchick||Set me straight on BC pills, please....|||||| Z||000000||riptchick||06-13-2000||01:34 PM||||I've looked over the board and can't seem to find info on how Birth Control pills affect A/S use. Should I take them, not take them etc? My goal is to make gains while lowering bodyfat. Any info here would be appreciated. ||||reg|| Z||000001||WarLobo||06-13-2000||01:46 PM||warlobo@operamail.com||Here is my readers digest on BC vs. A/S.

A/S does not much effect BC.

BC does seem to have a small effect A/S - but then so would having a child.

Unprotected intercourse always involves SOME risk.

Abstinence is the only 100% safe and secure way not to become pregnant.

Individuals results will vary.


||||reg|| Z||000002||riptchick||06-13-2000||02:39 PM||||Thanks for the info. I guess I thought it would be more of a hinderance. It just seems like it would be counterproductive. I always thought that any more estrogen would be bad in terms of muscle gain. Let me ask you this. DO birth control pills up your estrogen levels? Is it a good idea to get a test done to see what my natural estrogen and test levels are? I wouldn't want my estrogen to sky rocket after my cycle and make me look fat and bloated. Plus there are a lot of negative side effects of increased estrogen levels (breast cancer etc.) I obviously don't know much about this but could use your help in laywoman's terms. THANKS IN ADVANCE! ||||reg|| Z||000003||riptchick||06-13-2000||03:01 PM||||HELP!||||reg||