A||||7||foxybrown||need help!!!!!!|||||| Z||000000||foxybrown||06-01-2000||12:10 PM||foxybrown2k_2k@yahoo.com||I'm doing a NPC show in 14 weeks. I've been working out for 2 yrs now. I know the diet and workout routine. My problem is I can't seem to get my hips and thighs cut up. I'm 5'6 and currently weigh 149. I will begin my diet at 12 weeks. Any advice on what I can take that will cut my lower body up. I open to all suggestions. ||||reg|| Z||000001||MS||06-01-2000||03:17 PM||mad.scientist55@hushmail.com||Well I'm not surprised you don't have any 'cuts' in your thighs. You haven't even started your diet yet! You may find that your legs don't really look their best until the day of the show! Truly, unless you've been on "pro" supplements for years, you just have to go through the motions and have faith that your legs will look great on the day. Lots of cardio, lots of water, lots of vegies, lots of ECA type stuff, and lots of yohimbine should do the trick. Maybe throw in some nolvadex in the last 4 weeks. If you can find a trainer that specializes in contest prep, it's worth having them have a look at you regularly through your diet to gauge how things are progressing and adjust things if needed. Have you competed before? How much do you think you need to lose? Are you natural?

The Mad Scientist
||||reg|| Z||000002||WarLobo||06-01-2000||07:37 PM||warlobo@operamail.com||Hehe Good one MS.... that was about as close to a flame as I've seen you post

Foxy, just hang in there, we'll help you out. You might have to take some ribbing though as you didn't really give us much to go on.

Nolva is a good one for the last few weeks.


Lobo||||reg|| Z||000003||MS||06-01-2000||09:14 PM||mad.scientist55@hushmail.com||Gosh I must be slipping. I intended no flame, I was just a little surprised that a women would expect to see anything very exciting pre-diet. We'd all be more than glad to help if you gave us a bit more info about where you've been and where you're going to. Personally I'd love it if you would consider keeping us posted once you start your cutting. You know, maybe a weekly update, or 2-weekly right on up to the show and beyond. Whaddya reckon foxybrown?

The Mad Scientist
||||reg|| Z||000004||foxybrown||06-02-2000||01:14 AM||foxybrown2k_2k@yahoo.com||OK, sorry guys for not giving much info. I've done 1 show before. I naturally have a strong beautiful back, my shoulders look good also. I' just can't get my hips and thighs down. I'm natural, but would like to venture to the "other side" to see what I can gain. I'm desparate at this time. I would like to get my name out in the industry and do some modeling. Anyway, back to the diet. I know alot of people take steroids and I'm not nocking those people. I'm taking birth control and don't want anything to mess that up. Any info would be appreciated. Hey, since that stuff is not legal, how can I get some. I bulk up nicely, but would like bigger arms and shoulders, and smaller, leaner legs. So what do you think?

FoxyBrown||||reg|| Z||000005||JayeLynn||06-02-2000||12:25 PM||greyvulf@hotmail.com||I can't say that I have any substantial imperical data yet, because I'm still combatting the same battle. My diet is typically either low carb/flow fat/high protein, or more indicative of 45/15/40 respectively. On both diets (over the last 2 years) I've noticed that I either don't gain any weight or actually lose up to 2 pounds following a 2-day cheat fest. What's consistent in both of those two diets noted above is low fat content; cheating almost always involves high fat foods (ie, my favorite cheat food is nachos). This week, in my 7th week of my first anavar cycle, I finally got around to purchasing some flax seed oil and started casually adding it into my high pro/low carb diet. Within two days I lost a pound and some ounces. I know it's still early to make any conclusions. My BF is around 15%: I'm cut on top and soft through the hips and legs. For the last year I've seen concurrent loss in my chest whenever I manage any loss in the lower body. I recently tried topical yohimbe desolved in dmso. Although it did seem to make some difference, it proved to be too much in conjunction with my other 'supplements' so I had to discontinue for the time. I'm reading Duchaine's Body Opus which contains two diets: isocaloric and body opus. Both consist of higher fat % than conventional diets. I'm going to start with the isocaloric diet on Monday. Currently, I'm not measuring my intake beyond protien count. He does talk about lower bodyfat in this book and why traditional diets fail.

Please keep me in the loop on your progress. I'd love to hear what you find works for you.

[This message has been edited by JayeLynn (edited June 02, 2000).]||||reg|| Z||000006||WonderWoman||06-04-2000||05:56 PM||wonderwoman@thewirehouse.com||I have one word to say. Cardio, cardio, cardio. 1st thing on an empty stomach 6x per week for 40+ mins per session. This is in addition to whatever weight training you're doing. For my last contest (bodybuilding,I was natural at the time, and I won my division and overall) I was in the gym daily at the crack of dawn to do cardio. I would do my weights in the afternoon using a 3 on 1 off rotation. Heavy and basic. Diet was high protein, very low to lower medium carbs rotated to keep the metabolism guessing and very little fat. Also I drank at least 1.5-2 gal of water daily. Hope this helps. BTW how far are you from your goal contest weight? I was about 15 lbs. and dieted for 12 weeks and went in at 160.
WW||||reg|| Z||000007||MS||06-04-2000||10:54 PM||mad.scientist55@hushmail.com||What WonderWomen said is almost exactly what I did for my last 4 shows. Works every time. One thing bothers me a bit though foxybrown. If you're serious about doing your best in this show, you really should find a Non-Hormonal method of birth control until the show is finished. There are at least 3 good reasons for this. First (and most important) is that the pill WILL make it very difficult for you to lose lower body fat. Secondly, if you diet down to low bodyfat levels it can mess with your hormones anyway, and stuff like the pill becomes more unreliable. Third, if you want to use A/S and/or Nolvadex in your preparation, these can also mess up the bodies normal fertility cycle and make the pill unreliable.

I wasn't clear from either of your posts if you wanted to try A/S or not. Sounds to me like you're still undecided. Is this a part of your dieting you want advice on too?
For now, go hit the weights and put on as much muscle as you can before you start your diet.

The Mad Scientist