A||||10||JayeLynn||I QUIT!|||||| Z||000000||JayeLynn||05-26-2000||11:30 AM||greyvulf@hotmail.com||God I hate bodyfat tests.

2+ years ago, I took my first step forward in building a new body. It was in september and I was pushing 150# when I dragged by big ass into the company gym. Within a short time I braved a bodyfat comp test with calipers and was noted at about 24% The following January, I actualized another big decision and my saddlebags sucked out. In February of that year (most of the swelling gone) I measured out at 12.5% and took the EAS challenge. 6 months later I was measuring between 8 and 9% at 136#. I was tidying up my paperwork for submission and the guy that usually did my pinch test was otherwise preoccupied so I let someone else do it. Needless to say, I went into violent convulsions when he tagged me at 17%! (although, looking back at the pictures I think that he was probably pretty close)
So here it is 1.5 years later and I finally braved another test at the company gym with yet another trainer. I was a little disappointed to learn that in spite of my hard work and improved definition, I had actually gained 10# of fat and lost 8# of muscle: 24.5%. ...so I had him check it again and that bargain got me down to 22.4%. *groan*
So what do you do? I went to the cafeteria and ate breakfast!

This afternoon I'm on my way to the store to buy the Accu-Measure self testing calipers. Anyone use these?||||reg|| Z||000001||Motorhed||05-26-2000||03:23 PM||motorhed@colorado.net||I'm curious as to what your diet is like? I hope you don't quit lifting!!! you will regret it. E-mail me I'll try to help w/ your program.||||reg|| Z||000002||MS||05-26-2000||04:07 PM||mad.scientist55@hushmail.com||You've hit on my biggest pet peeve!!! %bf measurements are a crock. The only things I think are really worth monitoring are

1) changes in skinfold measurements (taken by the same person each time). Forget "formulas" to convert to %bf. If the actual skinfold is getting smaller, you're losing subcutaneous fat in that spot. Simple. I do this with a pinch test when I'm sieting for a show. When there's no pinchable fat anywhere, I'm ready to hop on stage.

2) how you look and feel in the mirror, and in to other (trustworthy) peoples eyes.

Keep in mind that most formulas for calculating %bf take into account increases in internal fat as you age. This means that your calculated %bf may go up over time, but you're still lean-looking on the outside.

Be happy with you fantastic progress and DON'T GET DISCOURAGED.

The Mad Scientist
||||reg|| Z||000003||JayeLynn||05-26-2000||04:08 PM||greyvulf@hotmail.com||my diet is fine hun,....really.

180-250 grams of clean protein with low fat (10 - 20 grams) and low carbs (ie. 100 or less) The problem is the inconsistency I get from people that call themselves fitness professionals. I went to the muscle mag shop and bought the Accu_measure self test caliper and that has me at roughly 15%. A millimeter is a millimeter right?? On the supraIlliac alone, he got 7mm: I get 4 reliably. I looked at him kinda odd so he checked it again. first measurement (tricep) he says, "I thought I was looking at that wrong". Not that I have a problem with trainers that don't mind a little inacurracy in their professional presentation. I've only had one land me in physical therapy once and can easily forgive the fact that it was enough to scare me out of the gym for 6 years +/-. Having someone tell me that my bodyfat is twice what I'm expecting is going to cause me an aneurysm!

Colorado eh? beware, we might know each other||||reg|| Z||000004||Motorhed||05-26-2000||04:33 PM||motorhed@colorado.net||sounds good here. I agree w/ MS!! (go to the mountains much?)||||reg|| Z||000005||JayeLynn||05-26-2000||04:45 PM||greyvulf@hotmail.com||I developed my impressive ass in these here mountains. I graduated from Evergree Sr. and rode my bike everywhere when I was a kid. Now, my favorite passtime in the mountains these days is fishing! ...aint got no one to ride the single track trails on my mountain bike these days.||||reg|| Z||000006||MrMuscle||05-27-2000||02:43 AM||mrmuscle@robodoc.net||i have ordered one of those calipers myself, so then ill be able to see the changes in my bf%. BUT, dont let those tests get you down, i would hardly put my trust into any tests like that, only for looking at the changes, the numbers arent always right anyway.

no, use the mirror. the mirror is your best friend. THERE you will see the changes best. not caliper nor you bodyweight can tell you as much as the mirror can..

"Pain is only weakness leaving your body!"

http://home.sol.no/~mrmuscle/||||reg|| Z||000007||WonderWoman||05-27-2000||11:19 PM||wonderwoman@thewirehouse.com||I say we throw the bf gagets out the window!
I had someone walk up to me in the gym today with some sort of electronic thingamagig that you hold in your hands. You imput age, weight, and height I think. The f%$#@*& thing said I'm at 25%!!! How in the hell did that happen?? I'm 5'9" 180 with abs and you can see my vastus lateralis and medialis!!!
Even the trainer said, " No way. I put you at around 17-18%." Made me mad till I got home and looked in the mirror after my shower. If you're proud of your physique in the buff don't worry about it.
Just my .02
WW||||reg|| Z||000008||JayeLynn||05-30-2000||01:18 PM||greyvulf@hotmail.com||Thanks, I feel better now. But as most of you probably know, that kinda feedback can screw up a whole week! Unfortunately I do need some sort of measuring tool in order to keep track of progress/development. A combination of three helps me keep it all in order.....that way I know if the calipers pass the 'laugh test' or not. The three better jive. The only problem I have with the Accu-Measure is that they only measure to 13.8% and above for my age group.||||reg|| Z||000009||Texas Guns||05-31-2000||05:48 PM||texas_guns@hotmail.com||I feel the same way when it comes to bodyfat days. But people have been coming up to me in the gym (that i don't even know) telling me how lean I am getting. Judge yourself on that, not some antiquated pincher!!!!!

Mrs. TG||||reg|| Z||000010||WarLobo||05-31-2000||06:49 PM||warlobo@operamail.com||HEheheh, welcome to another phase of working out.... Over the years I've gone through many ups and downs. Took three years off - mostly cause I was in the military during D. Storm. Even got fat for the first time in my life some five years ago. Trained with and through many workout partners, ran, swam, and did just about anything at one time or another. And lets not mention how much cash I spent on useless supplements. But for the last three years I've mellowed out a bit and have taken a much more systematic approach to what I'm doing day in day out. I do not expect dramatic changes anymore. I do not workout every day. And I don't try to maintain an 8% BF. Two years may at first seem like a very long time, and in some respects it is. But the reality is that two years is only a small part of your life's experiences.

Just take a deep breath, relax and re-focus on what your goals are. Of all the traits a person can have, persistence is key.

Hang in there


Lobo ||||reg||