A||||1||ironwoman||can't lose the fat on lower stomach|||||| Z||000000||ironwoman||05-23-2000||09:13 PM||||i have been working out seroius for about a year and a half. i train hard- an hour to an hour and a half of cardio 5 mornings a week and an hour to an hour and a half of lifting 5 to 6 days a week. i have made excellent gains naturally in the past year, but have reached a plataeu. i started dieting three months ago and have lost 12 pounds. i have leaned out a lot everywhere except my lower abs. i have a lot of definition in my tri's, bi's, quad's, delt's, and upper abs, but still have a layer of fat over my lower abs. i know my bodyfat is under 20% and i count my calories, eat enough protein, watch the carb and fat intake, etc, and i am baffled as to why i am having so much trouble losing the fat. i recently finished a cycle of clen and am now taking e/c/a 3 times a day. i have also just started my first cycle of winny orals, so i was wondering if that will help at all. i also heard that the birth control pill can actually make women hold onto the fat around their lower stomach, but i don't know if this is true or not. if anyone can help, i'd appreciate it.||||reg|| Z||000001||MS||05-23-2000||09:34 PM||mad.scientist55@hushmail.com||First of all you will probably need to be way under 20%bf to get the lower abs to poke through. Your average fitness competitor will clock in around 12%, and your average Bodybuiling female will ideally be 8% or less. Even when you do get to low %bf, you may not see much in the way of the lower abs without taking some drastic measures such as avoiding all bulky/fibrous food for up to a week. This is because (unlike men) women have a lot of internal organs sitting just under the lower abs and everything you eat sits on top of your reproductive organs and can make your lower abs look 'fat'. You need to get someone experienced with skinfold calipers to tell the difference.

Winny may help if it is actually a fat problem and your dieting and training you butt off. Birth control pills can make it more difficult to lose lower body fat.

Please get your %bf measured and give us as much info as you can about your exact goals, present condition (include height, weight, etc...)

The Mad Scientist