A||N||17||Bunny55||What to use for building??|||||| Z||000000||Bunny55||05-09-2000||04:46 PM||pinkbunny55@hushmail.com||Got some choices:


ANy help would be great!!
I have cutting good, but need to do the building now.


"This is who we are"||||reg|| Z||000001||Checkmatebloated||05-09-2000||04:51 PM||patch1971@hushmail.com||Whow!!!!! Stay away from the test products, like ref-b,d-bol,test,primoteston,and sus.

The only thing a lady should take is primobolan, stanazol(winstrol), anavar and a little deca.

Most of the thinks you mentioned will a weight, facial hair, enlarged jaw(test jaw), enlarged clit, and a few other things I can not remember at this time.

||||reg|| Z||000002||quadster||05-09-2000||05:16 PM||quadster5@excite.com||primo depot
deca preferably durabolin
test prop 50mg per week
dbol 5 to 7.5mg day
thats about it if u get gear ill sort u out a cycle||||reg|| Z||000003||WarLobo||05-09-2000||10:12 PM||warlobo@operamail.com||What is your back ground on cycling? As in what have you done before and how many.... Your selection is rather poor for a female. Workable, just not what I would call top notch choices.


||||reg|| Z||000004||Bunny55||05-10-2000||07:32 AM||pinkbunny55@hushmail.com||Have used anavar to build before. One cycle stacked with clen.

Then 3 cycles with clen t-3 to cut aver the last 18 months.
Really appreciate the help!!!

"This is who we are"||||reg|| Z||000005||TEXASAMM||05-10-2000||10:30 PM||texasamm@hushmail.com||just curious Warlobo what would you suggest? how about for a NAT'L LEVEL FEMALE BODYBUILDER that is 165lbs@5'6.5" ?My gal wants to know?Thanks..... SAMM||||reg|| Z||000006||WarLobo||05-11-2000||05:02 PM||warlobo@operamail.com||Texas, do you mean she is all natural? Or that she is going to compete in a natural show?? Or is wanting to do her first cycle and not be natural???

Bunny, take a look at my suggestions and thoughts on using T3 alone (without gear) It aint good BTW. Also look for a few threads on the use of Sust.


Lobo||||reg|| Z||000007||MS||05-11-2000||05:55 PM||mad.scientist55@hushmail.com||Surely SAMM means NATIONAL level. 165 lb at what %BF? How far out from what kind of show? Are there really National level competitors that don't have at least some idea of what to do?

The Mad Scientist
||||reg|| Z||000008||WonderWoman||05-11-2000||11:05 PM||wonderwoman@thewirehouse.com||What are your goals, specifically?
Size, strength, sport specific, etc. Do you want to be a competitive athlete or just tighten up a bit? Are you willing to take your time and gradually grow or is there a specific event that you need to be ready for?
The more specific you are about what you want the easier it is to get the info you need. Just my .02.
WW||||reg|| Z||000009||Bunny55||05-12-2000||11:45 AM||pinkbunny55@hushmail.com||Hope to compete next summer so I have about a year.
Will be getting with a trainer in a few weeks to see what that offers for guidance.
Bunny||||reg|| Z||000010||MS||05-12-2000||03:25 PM||mad.scientist55@hushmail.com||We still don't know what you're going to compete at. Powerlifting? (just joking). And what your training background is with regards to wieghts, diet, number of years training, blah blah blah. Don't be afraid of giving us too much detail! Maybe include height, weight, goal weight, as well as the gains you made (if any) from your last bulking cycle, and how much anavar you used, etc......

The Mad Scientist
||||reg|| Z||000011||TEXASAMM||05-13-2000||12:45 AM||texasamm@hushmail.com||Sorry,i should have been more specific. she is training for the jr.nat'l and nat'l 2001.she is skipping this year because she is adding size and she is now a heavyweight. she has won all the comps. she has entered as a middleweight.and because of the weight increase she will no longer go middleweight.she is not natural and she knows her gear but it is always good to hear other ideas and opinions. i cant remember if there were more questions. i am trying to get her to respond. thanks ....SAMM a yeah she is at 11bf%||||reg|| Z||000012||Bunny55||05-13-2000||09:51 AM||pinkbunny55@hushmail.com||5 foot 3 155 now. At 12% was 140 lbs.
Anavar - 2 per day split stacked with clen. Good gains.
Training hour morning cardio
1 and a half hour weights afternoon
followed by 30 mins more cardio.

Diet was tight (except for 1 cheat meal per week)
Want to gain size after my cutting phase.
Anavar worked well, but want some thing little stronger. If my source comes through, I will have primo bolan depot and want to do 6 week cycle for first time.
Should that be stacked with clen?? For better results.
Cutting is t-3 and clen.
I cycle workouts with many reps for cutting. Pyramiding to 12 sets of 18
Building I keep to 4 sets of 8 for most things and go heavy.

Comments are appreciated

"This is who we are"||||reg|| Z||000013||WonderWoman||05-13-2000||01:44 PM||wonderwoman@thewirehouse.com||Bunny girl you are PACKED!!
I'm around 5'9" and weigh about 175 or so. Nowhere near that 11% bf. That is impressive.
I think your moving in the right direction with the primo depot. I might try a primo/anavar stack for some size. I would also think about changing your workout to a heavy basic 5x5. Primarily for the change from 1 type of workout to another. My experience was that when bulking I needed to remember that I would probably be a little 'softer' than I am normally. I think you might benefit from doing less cardio (3x per week at 30 mins). Also the 5x5 regime is a winner without fail for size and strength with or without 'assistance'. Unless you need to do photos or appearances where you have to be at 11%bf I would consider upping my food intake as well. I'm sure with the addition of the primo (50-100 mg per week), cutting back on the cardio a bit and upping the caloric intake you'll get awesome results. BTW don't forget about your rest. As an example, my next bulking phase will be in the fall(more clothes, less worry about being a bit soft), I'll weight train 3 days a week 1-quads/hams; 2-chest/shoulders; 3- back/bi/tri. I'll do cardio 2-3 days a week 30 mins each (calves and abs on cardio days). 200+ g of proetin per day, changing from complex to fibrous carbs as the day progresses. Plenty H2O and all the rest I can get. Still havent decided on my 'supplimentation' program. Probably 100mg primo/week+5-10mg anavar ed. Just my .02 All suggestions and comments welcome. Hope this helps Bunny.
WW||||reg|| Z||000014||Bunny55||05-14-2000||09:45 AM||pinkbunny55@hushmail.com||It helps heaps!!!


"This is who we are"||||reg|| Z||000015||WarLobo||05-14-2000||11:52 AM||warlobo@operamail.com||Texasamm, this needs to be a seperate thread - have a feeling it will be a good one to! So post, and if you could, give a bit of history on past cycles, training and anything else you can think of

And I slapped myself up side the head after I re-read your first post.... My glasses were dirty. You ment NATIONAL not NATURAL ... Thanks MS


Lobo||||reg|| Z||000016||MS||05-14-2000||08:53 PM||mad.scientist55@hushmail.com||Well done Bunny. You sound like you've got your training and diet under control and you are stacked!! It's best not to use the clen on your building cycles. Save it for when you realy need that extra kick on your next cutting diet.

Other than that, Wonder Woman's advice is sound. Keep those reps low and intensity high. And don't be afraid to gain a smidgen of fat by eating PLENTY of good food (clean food I mean).

The Mad Scientist
||||reg|| Z||000017||bigguns 72||05-14-2000||09:34 PM||||I second everything checkmatebloated said!! stay away from anuthing with test. It will have you lookin like chyna from wwf in no time!!!!||||reg||