A||||17||Brandi||Need Some Fitness Advice|||||| Z||000000||Brandi||04-04-2000||08:39 PM||||First of all thanks. I've been reading through most of the messages and have gotten some really good advice. I need some advice on my routine and diet. I'm 36 yrs. old, 68", 184 lbs. I've tried most everything (Atkins, Slim Fast, All Fruits/Vegetables, etc.) to lose body fat and weight. I'm 34% body fat now and would like to lose 30 - 35 lbs. of fat. I've been eating 6 meals a day to average 1200-1300 calories and below 20 grams of fat. I've tried to have more protein than carbs. My workouts consist of 3 days cardio and 3 days weight training a week. I only spend 45 min. in the gym. According to the advise I've read, I seem to be doing everything right (or so I think). Well folks, it's not working. I've been doing this for about a month now. Yes, I'm getting stronger and my muscles are firmer in my upper body and legs. My mid section is like mush. I train my abs every other day. Let's see, what did I leave out? Supplements, I'm drinking 3 Myloplex Lite shakes a day, taking a fat burner twice a day (any more and I'm shaky/nervous and can't sleep at night). Also, EAS Betagen twice a day. Okay, what am I doing wrong? Any advice out there? I can't workout first thing in the morning or at night, I have a little guy that takes up that time so I go to the gym on an extended lunch hour.
Brandi||||reg|| Z||000001||chad||04-04-2000||10:05 PM||dshot357@aol.com|| Its a simple equation: calories in=calroies out. Thats how the body works in equilibrium. If you want to upset that balance you either have to burn more energy or consume less; or better yet do both at the same time.
You might be eating too much. More cardio and more abdominal work would help too. Keep in mind that most of your caloric intake (as much as 80%!) is used up just keeping you alive (pumping blood around your body and through your organs and lungs all day long).
I'm sure you know about this. Its called your basil metabolic rate (BMR). Cardio vascular exercise not only burns calories while you're doing it, but it raises your BMR for 2-3 hrs after the workout. Anaerobic exercise (like weightlifting) increase the BMR for 6-8 hrs after a workout, but uses less calories during the activity.
Try doing lots of cardio (5 days/week). and do anaerobic exercises for the midsection every other day (not just rectus abdominus; do oblique work and lower back) this should raises BMR, with a special focus in that area

As soon as I hit the gym floor its rock n' roll till my muscles are screaming for mercy.||||reg|| Z||000002||evilryu||04-05-2000||03:33 AM||||sorry to flame on you chad.. but that is the worst advice you could give her... she is eating 1200-1300 calories a day standing at 5"8 180+ lbs. What you need to do is calculate your BMR which is your caloric intake when at rest... this means.. lay in bed all day and not move a finger and you would need this many calories to stay at your current body weight. I had the problem before, but problem resolved and poof results! If I were you I would bump your calorie intake to probably 2000 - 2300 seeing how you workout 3x a week and do cardio 3x a week. Keep the 6 meals going and slowly add the calories.. you do not want a major jump.. from your 1200 -1300 calories your getting now your starving your body of energy and are causing some bad things to happen... keep meals clean and if you feel like you are going to fail allow yourself one cheat day a week. The way you are going you will just see a smaller version of your current self. = \ just my 2c||||reg|| Z||000003||WarLobo||04-05-2000||11:12 AM||warlobo@operamail.com||Not going to get this debate on best methode of losing weight.

But here are a few thoughts. One fricking month?!?!? Sheeesh. It ain't going to happen that fast.

One pound of muscle requires more than 10x the calories of fat to sustain itself. Build muscle and you will tend to loose fat. Weight training is the best long term tool for keeping in shape. Do not look at a scale!!! Muscle weights some 30% more than fat. Learn to use, or get your BF checked every month or so - at most.

No crying or whinning. You put the weight on over SEVERAL monthes if not years. It may take you that long to loose it.

Do not waist your money on anything from EAS.

Go to the Protein Factory's web sight and get some real protein.

Read my "Wite Death" thread, and then my thread on the "Stuff in the blue packets".

Then read every thread on the womens board.


Lobo||||reg|| Z||000004||Brandi||04-05-2000||06:15 PM||||Thanks guys! I'm really scared to add anymore calories, so I probably wont' do that right away.

I'll get the protein. I've been wanting to boost my protein content, but I don't want to add a lot of extra calories or fat.

I calculated yesterdays intake and here's what I came up with. Carbs=116,Protein=123, Fat=17.5, Calories=1295 I wasn't hungry and I ate every 2-3 hours. Is this good? or do I need to change it around? I know, I know more calories. That really is scary to me.

I also suffer with Hypothyroidism, but they've got my levels straight and the Doc's say that's not my problem. It seems I've been cursed with a metabolism from hell or the damn thing is nonexistant.

As far as my workouts, well I'm busting my butt. Today was lower body, I worked my muscles til I couldn't take it no more. My legs were shaking in the shower afterward. I'll be feeling it tomorrow for sure.

What about the cardio? Will I get slower results because I don't or should I say can't do it first thing in the morning? I really work up a sweat when I do this and I'm usually still sweating after my shower. I know I'm working out at a good intensity, but I've also got to take it a bit easy on what exercises I choose. I've got tilted knee caps and they rub and grind if my outer quad is a lot bigger than the inner. Does that make sense. Needless to say, I've been doing therapy at night for that problem 3x a week. The squats are working against me though. My legs are looking nice, minus the inner thighs. Then to boot, I have a bone chip in my ankle. Doc says they don't have to operate, but I must wear an air cast when I do cardio and more therapy exercises.
Sometimes I wonder, why me!

Okay, enough bitching! Time to get busy trying some of your prior advice.

Keep it coming!
B||||reg|| Z||000005||buck o five||04-06-2000||06:54 AM||arronharrell@att.net||try to stay away from the carbs and stick with the high protein diet. Take in 10-12oz carb drinks before exercising and that will give you energy but as far as foods, not fruit though stay away from the carbs. Carbs are the building block for fat cells||||reg|| Z||000006||JayeLynn||04-11-2000||06:14 PM||greyvulf@hotmail.com||Hey Brandi -
Diet and nutrition has been the focus of my bodybuilding studies for the last three years, and I can confirm what you are experiencing first hand: its a lot more complicated than you ever would have imagined. Everyone who has posted in response to your question has had something important to contribute. Yes, you need to balance consumption with activity. Yes, you probably are slowing your metabolism by only consuming 1200-1300 calories. And yes, you are being impatient by expecting dramatic results after one month.

First of all, "diet" is not something that you do periodically as a punishment for prior behavior. ...it's a lifestyle. Consequently, I would have to say that powders, potions and pills are not something you should be spending your time and money on right now. You need to retrain yourself in the art of eating. The standard recommendation of 65%carb/15%protein/10%fat will allow you to establish average body composition (for women that's 18-23% bodyfat) if you consume the appropriate number of calories required to maintain that body weight at whatever activity level your operating. If you don't like that diet, then you can pick one of the other popular plans to find the one that works best for you. (I liked some of the stuff that Peter D'Adamo said in "Eat right for your type", and am now reading Duchaines "Body Opus") Once you focus on your eating habits and make an effort to clean up your act, you can't help losing weight when you are overweight. As you approach that 18-23% range, the efforts to get down between 12 and 18% are more difficult.

It sounds to me like you're working on a handful of issues revolving around your health, and have to remind yourself that undoing years of anything requires time. Warlobo is right on the money with his statement about keeping track of you %bodyfat. That's the only way to know when/if you're losing fat when the scales stagnate. Your muscle gains throughout your first year or so will surpass any natural gains you'll get through your second year and so on. That will absolutely throw the scales into a depressing spin.

You're on the right track: you're in the gym and learning about healthy eating habits. Now you need to do whatever you need to in order to keep your spirits upbeat and positive. Impatience leads to depression...which results in quitting. Give yourself a year and set some milestones.

||||reg|| Z||000007||Brandi||04-11-2000||08:13 PM||||Thanks a lot to all of you. I threw out the scales and have been judging on how my clothes fit. I also went and had a body composition done at the gym today. Boy was I surprised. My body fat has dropped to 28%. What a boost to my morale!

I might have been misleading a little when I said I was only working out for 1 month. I've been working out on and off for a good 5 years now. This past month I've totally changed my workouts and eating habits hoping to get some results. As I said, I have tried almost everything in the past only to end in disappointment because I was expecting miracles.

Recently I spent an awful lot of time reading just about everything I could get my hands on and designed my own program. I'm getting ready to mix up my routine and try some different exercises to try and shock my body into changing instead of conforming to what I've been doing this past 45 days.

It's working and I'm not giving up. My legs look great and I'm starting to see a little muscle in my arms. This is the beginning of something wonderful!||||reg|| Z||000008||Triple H||04-11-2000||11:42 PM||rodshkin@hotmail.com||Hey, I read what this WarLobo guy wrote you and he took the words out of my mouth. He must know his shit, hee hee. Your last post was definately a good direction you are headed.

Good Luck,

Triple H||||reg|| Z||000009||RedHot||04-13-2000||01:19 AM||amy-marie@msn.com||Keep up the hard work and results will come. I promise. I have lost 70 lbs over a 7 year period. I found out last August I had a hypothyroidism and got that under control. In the past year I have lost 20 lbs and my weight is now at 162 and 17% bodyfat. I am 5'6" tall . this seems like alot of weight but I have alot of muscle mass. Since August my bf has went from 25% to 17%. I have been working out consistently for 1 year know with a trainer 3 days a week and 3-5 days of cardio atleast 30 minutes.I can really just recently tell alot of changes in the shape of my body. Just be patient. The time goes by fast enough as it is. Enjoy your workouts and just getting into your new lifestyle change. Soon everyone will want to know your secrets to success! Good Luck!~||||reg|| Z||000010||Brandi||04-13-2000||07:13 PM||||Thanks RedHot! That's fabulous what you've accomplished. I too will be there one day. My workout today was awsome. I'm so addicted to the gym, I can't seem to quit going. At night after work I get home and I have some free weights in my living room and I'm at it again. I feel great! I run a graphics shop and my people tell me they can't keep up with me and want to know what I'm on. Workout hard, eat right, and rest. It does wonders! Oh yeah, the fat burners 4x a week really get me going. I take them for four days and off for 3. Hopefully this will keep my body from getting used to them.
One last thing, thanks for all the support I'm getting off this site.
Brandi||||reg|| Z||000011||young1||04-15-2000||01:44 PM||mikehanus@hotmail.com||Brandi says she has left this site but, I just have to comment that she's really incredible. She's got some odds stacked against her but, to no avail. She should be proud of herself 'cause I sure am.
Good work Brandi!

Young1||||reg|| Z||000012||Brandi||04-15-2000||08:46 PM||||Okay! I didn't leave the site for good. Just for a day or two. Are you kidding me, I love this stuff. Everything you gals/guys post is very supportive and support is one thing I need a lot of. It's great for the mind and soul. Slipped a little today, wish I had read the last post this morning then it wouldn't have happened. It happens, I'm human just got to pick myself and press on.

Waiting for my son to wake up from his nap so I can drag him down to the gym in my complex and try to burn off some extra calories.

Gotta go sweat!
Brandi||||reg|| Z||000013||mossberg||04-15-2000||10:45 PM||mossberg@home.com||Brandi, Have you had a complete physical with a complete spectrograph blood sample taken? The reason I ask is most people would be amazed to find out their deficencies as far as hormones go. One must remember that the more "out of shape" a body becomes the more ALL of it's functions to maintain life get out of sync with one another(this goes for all ages and genders). This could range from immune system deficiancies(colds, flu) to thyroid levels being abnormal. Don't panic, as it sounds like you have found the right road to follow, and congrats on your progress. I am just offering it as food for thought. Now if I can "catch" some of your motivation, as I am currently lacking in that dept.!!!!

Peace||||reg|| Z||000014||WarLobo||04-17-2000||10:59 AM||warlobo@operamail.com||Very good point Mossburg. Sometimes we forget to use all the tools available. And blood testing is one very VALUABLE tool.



||||reg|| Z||000015||Texas Guns||04-18-2000||05:59 PM||sunshinels@netzero.net||Brandi,

So proud of you girl, I was once in your place. Started out at 36% body fat 6 years ago and it has been a long hard fight to get where I am.

May I please just share a little bit of the info that has helped me.

It is best to do your cardio first thing in the a.m. on an empty stomach or right after your weight training workout. Reason being that because you have eaten and your carbs are not very low, when you do aerobic exercise you are burning your carbs and sugar you have taken in and not hitting the fat storage. When you are working on an empty stomach (cardio only) your body cannot use carbs for energy and must go directly to your fat stores to supply what it needs to get through the exercise. I would rely more on fat burners before working out than sugary carb drinks. Your meal before weight training is important because you need the energy to be able to lift and you need carb energy for that. If you do cardio right after weight training, you have burned up the carbs and go more into fat stores.

I might also suggest you change your routine up. Your body gets accustomed to a certain exercise and then it is no longer effective for you. When you periodically change the exercises you do, you shock your body into doing something different, thus burning fat and building muscle at a different rate. Your abs will get tight, but you must burn that layer of fat off before you can see the muscle underneath.

I am with you on this. I have three children and it is hard to fit it all in. It requires I get up at 4:30 every morning and go lift weights when they are in bed at night. Remember diet is the key. Try to take in at least 1.5 grams of protein per pound of body weight. Protein and eca stacks were my biggest help in losing a lot of fat. Hope this helps and sheds a little light on the subject.

Texas Guns||||reg|| Z||000016||Brandi||04-18-2000||07:18 PM||||Wow, I never thought of it like that. I've been alternating my lifting days with my aerobic days. Maybe by taking your advise and combining them, I'll be able to burn more of that damn fat. Hey, it's definitely worth a try.
I bought some Hydroxycuts and tried them first time today. Man did I pour out some sweat in the gym today. I've tried other ECA stacks, but never sweat like that. Is that the supplement or is it just me maybe working a little harder? Also, I felt like nothing could stop me, I accomplished so much at the office today. Those things could be real addicting and a real boost to my professional life.
As far as morning workouts, well I'd love to do them, however my husband is out of town quite a bit and that leaves me with no one at night or in the morning to watch my son.
As it is now, I get up at 5 a.m. He's back this weekend and I'll be able to start up a morning workout for a month then he's gone again. Sorta sucks, but that's the nature of our business.
Do you think, I haven't been getting the gains or actually the loses as quick because I'm not working out first thing in the morning?
Thanks for the advice and another boost to my confidence!
Brandi||||reg|| Z||000017||Texas Guns||04-19-2000||10:24 AM||sunshinels@netzero.net||Brandi,

I think you are doing all the good, first of all for taking the initiative and getting to the gym and working your butt off!!!! So don't think that you have been wasting your time. You have been building muscle after all the more you have, the better your body will burn fat. The Hydroxycut will really help, but you may find that you will have to bump up your doseage as your body will develop a tolerance to it. Even if you only have that month to do morning workouts, I think you will notice a dramatic difference because as I stated earlier, you will be hitting your fat stores, not your carb/sugar storage. Or you can try to hit the cardio directly after your weight training.

Your body has to dig into something to supply energy for your workouts and when it has no carbs to run off of, it goes straight to the fat storage. Kinda cool!! Like I said before, even if you are able to do this for just a little while, your body will begin to respond immediately.

Please keep me posted!!!

Texas Guns||||reg||