A||||4||DC||Bodyonics MethoxyTest and Ectybol|||||| Z||000000||DC||02-27-2001||09:25 AM||auto55646@hushmail.com||
I started taking MethoxyTest and Ectybol together and within 3 days my sex drive was through the damn roof. The only reason I bought them was because I'm in between cycles. I didnt even expect them to work. Has anyone else tried them yet?


||||reg|| Z||000001||jackson||02-27-2001||10:55 AM||pussyhair00@hotmail.com||No but i was planning on trying the Ectybol. Are u taking 2 caps or 1?
||||reg|| Z||000002||DC||02-27-2001||11:28 AM||auto55646@hushmail.com||
I'm taking 4 of both a day.


||||reg|| Z||000003||crash71||02-28-2001||11:28 PM||crashz71@yahoo.com||Hey yall,
Who manufactures those two products? Any online suggestions as far as distributors?||||reg|| Z||000004||DC||03-01-2001||01:01 AM||auto55646@hushmail.com||
Pinnacle Bodyonics is the manufacturer. Just get em at GNC. They arent too expensive.

