A||||6||Bigdaddy_056||Good Stack?????|||||| Z||000000||Bigdaddy_056||02-15-2001||10:10 PM||bigdaddy_056@hotmail.com||Im wondering if this is a good stack...
Whey protein

i heard from a buddy that it was good but im just checking it out from you guys in here

Bigdaddy_056||||reg|| Z||000001||HamHock||02-16-2001||01:54 AM||||Its not bad, obviously you need your Whey, and Cell Tech is sound because Creatine needs an insulin spike in order to be absorbed properly and Cell Tech has a high-glycemic carb content along with Alpha Lipoic Acid, which some feel helps facilitate creatine absorption into the muscles. Hydroxycut is a popular thermogenic which has its purposes. Cell Tech and Hydroxycut have less expensive competitors, but they are probably Muscle Tech's best products.
Make sure you separate taking Cell Tech and your protein by about a half hour or so. Cell Tech immediately after your workouts is best, followed by a protein shake 30min-1hr later. First thing in the a.m. is the next best time for these. I can't tell you too much about Hydroxycut----I use AST's Dymetradine Xtreme as a pre workout energizer and I think it is the best for this purpose. Also, be sure to get carbs with your protein shakes (oatmeal, banana, whole grain rice, etc.) as it will help facilite protein synthesis into your muscles.||||reg|| Z||000002||Sniperwolf||02-16-2001||02:15 AM||sniperwolf63@hotmail.com||Its a sound stack but you wont make the transformation like the guys advertising the stuff in BB mags. I think Cell tech is over priced for what it is, you could put a cheaper version together yourself. ||||reg|| Z||000003||chillin408||02-16-2001||04:55 AM||user8747869@aol.com||your stack has one little error ,flush the whey protein down the toliet and get nitro tech,||||reg|| Z||000004||BUILTandBAD||02-16-2001||11:36 AM||||actually, i think this is not the best stack.
Cell tech, with its 75 g of dextrose will be counter-productive to taking the hydroxycut (unless you are taking the hydroxy just for a pre-workout boost).
Either drop the cell-tech for a creatine w/ less sugar (this will also be less expensive) or alternate the use of both products, i.e. cell-tech for 6 weeks, and hydroxy for four. HOWEVER, YOUR BEST BET IS TO USE A DIFFR. CREATINE- labrada's sugar free creatine cooler ( i have had good experiences w/ this), or maybe EAS's synthevol as it looks like a promising product.||||reg|| Z||000005||Valdez||02-16-2001||01:10 PM||valdez1999@hushmail.com||muscletech aside... it is not a good "stack"

you should never use an ECA with creatine, ever. it is completely counterproductive. are you trying to gain mass? or lose fat? pick a goal and drop either the creatine or the ECA.

btw: alpha-lipoic acid is not as potent in a powder form so cell-tech may not any better than 75g of dextrose and a scoop of creatine IMO but if you get it for a fair price great.

if you do decide to get these products take cell-tech immediatley post workout and a protein shake with some fruits about 20-40 minutes later.||||reg|| Z||000006||Tony72||02-16-2001||08:09 PM||ant104104@aol.com||Valdez; What creatine do you take?