A||N||4||Holz61||Project Gettin' Huge|||||| Z||000000||Holz61||02-14-2001||11:39 PM||||hey guys i am trying to write up a program for my 17 year old brother, on how to be able to gain about 15-20 lbs of good mass (it doesn't all have to be muscle) by next august for football season. He can only afford a few supplements so i figured a weightgainer like prolab n large 2, and some prolab creatine, and some multivitamins. These sound about right for a high school kid. I appreciate any input, thanks y'all||||reg|| Z||000001||HamHock||02-16-2001||02:18 AM||||He's got plenty of time to put on that kinda mass (not necessarily all LBM) provided he does a few things correctly and has a good frame/structure to work with. First of all, you're on the right track with your choice of Protein, but make sure he gets a healthy supply of carbs with his protein intake. Protein ingested without carbs will be used for energy rather than to build or repair muscle tissue. Though protein is the building material of new muscle mass, carbs are required to keep insulin levels elevated enough to facilitate the uptake of protein by the muscles. Preferably slow burning carbs like oatmeal and whole grain rice. To help fight off catabolic activity and rising cortisol levels make sure he has a protein shake w/ carbs within 30 min. after his workouts, 1st thing in a.m. and just prior to going to sleep. If he takes creatine, make sure it is an enhanced delivery product (eg Phosphagen HP, Cell Tech) or he takes it with a High glycemic carb like dextrose. The best time is immediately after workouts, followed by 1st thing in a.m.
Protein and Creatine supplementation MANDATES increased H20 intake----at least 1 to 1.5 gallons a day for both safty and efficacy. Good sleep, a healthy diet and injury avoidance should be priorities and workouts should involve low volume, progressive muscle overload workouts centered around heavy compound movements. I alway recommend and use AST's Max-OT program ( http://www.ast-ss.com/max-ot/max-ot_intro.htm ). Also, I would either eliminate cardio or limit it until closer to the start of practice, as cardio can interfere with muscle/body mass gains. If he wants to stay cardiovascularly active, I would recommend you look into H.I.I.T. (High Intensity Interval Training) as his method for cardio ( http://www.musclemedia.com/training/hiit.asp ).
There is a specific offseason Football training program based on the University of Nebraska Football strength & conditioning program, but I don't know enough about it to recommend it to you, I think the source pretty much speaks for itself though. Here's the link: http://www.huskerpower.com/workout.html

Good luck.||||reg|| Z||000002||HamHock||02-16-2001||02:28 AM||||I left out a couple of things, yeah, definitely a multi vitamin (I use & recommend AST's Multi-Pro 32x, but there are other good ones like Solgar & Twin Labs). Also, flaxseed oil, tuna, salmon, whole grain rice, beans, chicken, glutamine/BCAA's, & oatmeal should all be a part of his diet. The trick to adding mass is good protein & carb intake, increasing strength, lots of H20, sleep, and low volume workouts with adequate recovery periods.||||reg|| Z||000003||WC||02-24-2001||01:46 AM||genetic_freak@ziplip.com||go get the book: "Hardcore Bodybuilding, A Scientific Approach" by Fred Hatfield. It is about all natural training and mass. It is by far the best book I own on the subject, I have 43 bodybuilding books.||||reg|| Z||000004||Providian||02-24-2001||10:04 AM||||keeping it simple- protein drink supplement(maybe even a mass gainer), creatine if he's lifting regularly. Multi-vites, eat alot (not including dessert-type shit) 5-6 times a day-more whole milk than skim-BEEF- and my secret weapon- lots of peanut butter- I go thru a jar every week,. And if he's not lifting regularly,start to. A BB book/manual if always helpful. I think the post before me talks about that. ||||reg||