A||||2||Blackop||who here buys Hydro 520|||||| Z||000000||Blackop||02-05-2001||10:51 PM||blackop@elitefitness.com||and I don't mean a mix of their stuff, I mean straight. what I want to know is how you flavor it, and any of you who say they drink it straight are lying out of their ass. I've tried chocolate powder and fruit so far and it helps, but man that stuff has a taste to it. any suggestions. and if you haven't had the stuff you can't comment, cause nothing compares in taste. It feels great though, I've found it to work better than any other protein I've tried. When I'm bulking, I like to mix it with NLarge. I always have them add aminogen to it though.

"I'm not a fighter.......I'm a killer"
USMC||||reg|| Z||000001||gluteusmaximus||02-06-2001||05:08 AM||||Hey Blacktop,

You don't need to add aminogen to hydro 520 as the hydrolization process has already broken the protein down. Aminogen is a waste, except in the case when you mix it with Nlarge (the aminogen will help breakdown the Nlarge's protein).

I have never ordered strait up hyrdo 520, but I have ordered it in a 1/3, 1/3, 1/3 mix with 520, hydrolyzed casein and Super Bovine Concentrate. Their is nothing that I have found that totally masks the taste. This is an unfottunate cross that you must bear when you drink the best...||||reg|| Z||000002||johnny iron||02-06-2001||09:51 PM||john_sarge@hotmail.com||I've only tasted the chocholate sweetened, one pinch straight. Just a pinch. Taste bad, smells worse. I ordered 95% hydro, 5% super bovine, had it sweetened with chocholate and usually use it postworkout (1 scoop) (ran out now) mix it with my pro blend 55 and add 3 scoops of ultra fuel. It still taste like ##%@. Alex Rogers, the owner of Protein Factory, gives a warning about it's taste. ||||reg||