A||||10||lizzy||mid-section fat avoidance|||||| Z||000000||lizzy||01-03-2001||08:18 AM||auto100896@hushmail.com||If clenbuterol, ephedrine and yohimbe help strip mid-section fat during a diet won't they also help prevent fat deposits there during a bulk up? The fat will tend to be deposited elsewhere if my mid-section receptors are inhibited, right? Is my reasoning correct?||||reg|| Z||000001||Snapper55||01-03-2001||04:04 PM||schmitty43@aol.com||I found it harder to add on muscles when using xenadrine...I heard it might eat away at muscles despite what it says on the container...also, it makes youless hungry so you might not be eating enough to support growth||||reg|| Z||000002||BSmooth||01-03-2001||05:00 PM||bsmooov@hotmail.com||Despite what everyone has said, I think it is possible to bulk without adding fat to your midsection, or anywhere. ECA actually blocks your body's ability to form fat. I've been using ECA on and off during the last 3 months that I've been bulking. I've added a lot of muscle but not any fat. I probably could have added more muscle by not taking ECA or doing cardio, but I rather not have to work my butt off to take all that extra fat off later. I rather just take longer to gain the lean mass. In the end, I'm sure the result will be the same. ||||reg|| Z||000003||lizzy||01-03-2001||10:36 PM||auto100896@hushmail.com||I appear to share a similar philosophy to BSmooth. I have spent the last 8 months dieting down to 3.2% bodyfat. I did it slowly on purpose so that my body would adjust itself permanently to this leaner state and although I know I will rebound a bit I don't want to loose my leanness when I start muscle bulking again.

I do wonder whether people grow less using eca simply because they are eating less because of its appetite suppressing characteristics and because the eca is burning many of the calories they injest? I count all my calories daily (if i went by appetite alone i wouldn't eat enough) and will add extra intake to compensate for the effects of eca. If fewer calories available is in fact the cause of eca related growth loss I hopefully won't lose out on maximising muscle gain.

Its just really important for me to inhibit the receptors in my mid section because this is where literally all my fat goes. I am as lean as anything on other parts of my body even when I have a high body fat percentage.||||reg|| Z||000004||Hot Bod||01-04-2001||09:06 AM||fred.abate@anheuser-busch.com||I've just found it very very difficult to gain on ECA. If your goals is to stay shredded than use it. I have seen my weights go up using ECA, but bodyweight does not go up. My only concern was that on ECA people kept telling I was getting too thin. That's a real frustrating thing to a body builder. Not people in the gym that seem me with a tank top on, but people at work etc, that don't understand BB. In their defense, I must admit my face was looking too thin. I'm gonna see what happens after this bulking phase is over, before I go back on ECA. I've only gone up 1.5% bf, so far I'm not too worried.||||reg|| Z||000005||Promet1||01-04-2001||09:49 AM||promet@earthlink.net||sorry for the question

ECA ??||||reg|| Z||000006||Hot Bod||01-04-2001||02:53 PM||fred.abate@anheuser-busch.com||ECA stands for: Ephedrine, Caffeine, Aspirin. This combination is an effective fat burner. Many thermogenics have this combination in them. Xenadrine, Ripped Fuel, Hydroxycut, Dymetatrine etc.

The only stupid questions, are the ones you are afraid to ask. Have no fear.||||reg|| Z||000007||Promet1||01-04-2001||03:01 PM||promet@earthlink.net||thanks for the reply

Of the ones you listed what's the choice
of the group?||||reg|| Z||000008||Hot Bod||01-04-2001||03:40 PM||fred.abate@anheuser-busch.com||Of course, everyone has their own preferences, but I liked Dymetadrine Extreme by AST for strength, and value. It's less expensive than others. Also, I liked Ripped Fuel Extreme. I tried EAS's BetaLean, it was okay but like most EAS products expensive, and probably not worth the price. Supposedly, it was more time released than other products so you don't crash between doses, but I didn't think it made any difference.

Be sure to do a search on Ephedra, (Ephedrine) or ECA stacks and find out what your getting into if you decide to try. There's many pros and cons.||||reg|| Z||000009||Whisper||01-04-2001||04:27 PM||ancott@hfx.eastlink.ca||I found that a true ECA combination has worked significantly better than any of the other combinatios I've tried...Xenadrine, Hydroxycut, Ripped Fuel. ||||reg|| Z||000010||lizzy||01-06-2001||10:25 PM||auto100896@hushmail.com||I have only tried hydroxycut because I am told this is the most complete stack. I take yohimbe as well.
I totally agree with hot bod, do your research on the pros and cons first. Unlike the USA Ephedrine and yohimbe are controlled substances in my country. You need a prescription for them. Apart from being control freaks, the health department must have reasons why they only want you to get these supplements from a doctor. Do your research.||||reg||