A||||2||BSmooth||Prohormones Feedback|||||| Z||000000||BSmooth||01-02-2001||10:06 PM||bsmooov@hotmail.com||I know theres been a lot of discussion on the subject of prohormones. However, I'm interested in hearing of some of your first hand experiences with Andro, whichever one, doesn't matter. I picked up a bottle of some stuff by Pinnacle, it has like 6 different andro compounds in it. I used it for a week and a half and definately noticed that my workouts were more intense and I felt stronger. It definately gave me a better workout than using an ECA does. So anyway, let me hear some of your experiences. NOT OPINIONS on whether prohormones work or not. PERSONAL EXPERIENCES!||||reg|| Z||000001||Hot Bod||01-03-2001||10:55 AM||fred.abate@anheuser-busch.com||I've tried a couple. Norandrostenedione 19 1 cycle. I seemed to get a little stronger, a few zits, and increased endurance.
At the time I was still on creatine, and ZMA, so it was tough to tell what was working.

A month or two later I tried, Paradeca with a Tribex 500 stack, and AST creatine and ECA. I was trying to shred and increase lean mass. The latter two are not a good combination. (ECA and creatine) I was constantly fighting deydration.

That worked better than Nor 19. Increased strength, lost some fat and dumbells went up 20 lbs. each in about 6 weeks.

I believe they work differently than ECA. Especially when using ECA you're fighting dehydration, and I always drink over a gallon of water a day. I will only use ECA during a cutting cycle now, cause it can be counterproductive.

My workout partner has used Pinnacle's "Poppus"(sp), which it sounds like you're using currently. He has always liked it when he used it, and just went back on it after a couple of months of.

We're both using Zebutol, which is not a prohormone, and we like it so far. I plan on posting results of zeb. after a complete cycle of 30 days or so. I'm about 19 days into it. So far, it has worked better than prohormones.

I'll be looking for something new to try in a few weeks. Maybe or maybe not a prohormone.
||||reg|| Z||000002||bleedo||01-05-2001||12:25 AM|||| I like the 19 Nor 4 Andro and the 4-diol
in particular.I've been taking 100 mg.
19 Nor 4 Androstenedione,100mg. 4 Androstenediol,100mg.4 Androstenedione,and
750mg. Tribulus pre-workout and 100mg.
4-diol,100mg.5-diol around two hours later
with good results.I also supplement with
creatine,glutamine,and protein of course.
I'm new to this site(love it!)and the Zeb
is new to me although I'm very curious about