A||||12||victor belfort||Creatine bottom line?|||||| Z||000000||victor belfort||12-15-2000||10:00 PM||badboyluta@yahoo.com||Ok guys im a athleat.I train 5 to 6 days in jiu jitsu,also 3 days in weights. Will creatine screw me up if i take it too long. What about a receptor downgrade as discovered by russians. When im on it i feel great. I can go untill failure without the latic acid feel and i love the pump. im also strong when grappling. Can u lose strengh and agression off a creatine cycle?would i gain more muscle than i would without it?

Can anyone tell me why or why not to take it.
thanks||||reg|| Z||000001||riskybiz007||12-16-2000||01:43 PM||riskybiz007@hotmail.com||no use it for more than 2 months, absolute maximum 3 months. You don't want your body to stop producing creatine now do you? When you stop take a break of at least a month or two before using again so you could see results...||||reg|| Z||000002||nobu||12-16-2000||06:20 PM||||creatine, is meant for explosive movements, and muscle stamina. i think creatine would work really well for you, considering the sports you are involved in.

as for what riskybiz said, is not true, creatine is derived from meats, and there for a sufficient amount of it is always introduced to the body on a modern diet. so dont worry about what he said.

take creatine with dextrose(corn sugar) this is a simple sugar and is a very finely ground sugar, and is the best way to tranport creatine into your muscles.

hope this helps peace||||reg|| Z||000003||victor belfort||12-16-2000||09:01 PM||badboyluta@yahoo.com||is it good for compeating or preparing or both.will i lose the benifits when im off of it?
||||reg|| Z||000004||riskybiz007||12-18-2000||12:54 AM||riskybiz007@hotmail.com||nobu u are a moron, i know my what i'm talking about here and i don't just blow hot air and hope it's true like some people. Do you know how much creatine is in meat by the way? ?? In 1 pound of red meat do you know how much creatine is in there? Approximately 1g if that. So there's now way your body can stop producing it off of 1g. Now you want to take an excess of that for more than 3 months see what happens to your body or kidneys. Have you read any studies on effects of creatine medical wise? Just wondering... Next time think before you talk, and don't discredit something you have no proof over.||||reg|| Z||000005||Hot Bod||12-18-2000||08:54 AM||fred.abate@anheuser-busch.com||Victor,
I'm in agreement with Riskybiz on the subject of cycling off creatine. First of all, most supplements need to be cycled off of. With the exception of protein, MRP's and stuff like that.

There has been many studies on creatine, and the dangers to your kidneys for prolonged use. I think it's important to cycle off most supp's to see if your keep the gains you achieved on the stuff. If it's all water retention, then how good is it? Also, receptors you mentioned in your original post. They respond well to cycles. This is especially true regarding ECA, and steroids.

Like previously mentioned, probably 2 months on 1 month off is good. Plus, depending on which one you use, they can cause fat gains due to the high sugar content in many creatines with transports.||||reg|| Z||000006||natch||12-18-2000||01:34 PM||||While there is very good reason to cycle off ANY supplement (or drug, for the matter) when results plateau to allow recptor sites to freshen up and adaptation to wane (for better results when you start the compound again) the body does not in any way, shape or form "produce" creatine like it does hormones.

The notion that it does in some similar fashion and that excess amounts will cause the "body to stop producing creatine" is, frankly, absurd.

It's like saying that taking in excessive whey protein will cause your body to stop producing glutamine...

Yes, the body CAN combine the isolated aminos needed to form creatine IF they are present in the bloodstream from the few foods we eat that contain them and, yes, small amounts of already intact creatine is found in red meats and fish...

I'm not saying excessive creatine use over extended periods is good for the body, so don't take me wrong, but again it will not, can not cause the false condition mentioned because the mechanism for it does not exist.||||reg|| Z||000007||victor belfort||12-18-2000||02:56 PM||badboyluta@yahoo.com||has any ones body actually stop producing creatine >I v heard of kidny problems.buti thought it was due to a lack of hydration.
||||reg|| Z||000008||riskybiz007||12-19-2000||12:08 AM||riskybiz007@hotmail.com||well i just spoke to my uncle and my friend, both are doctors. Both said your body does produce creatine naturally. I know that i have read it in my medical book, i know i read it in a medical journal, and 2 doctors now have said the same shit. Your body does produce creatine naturally.
As far as the idea about it being "absurd" i read it in a medical journal like a year ago. It stated that there is a possibility of your body stop producing creatine after excessive amounts for long periods of time. Both these docs train and use creatine, and they told me the same shit, not to use it over 3 months.
If you're getting your info from a muscle mag or from gym guys, like maybe nobu does, back up your info with something solid.||||reg|| Z||000009||Hyprzo||12-19-2000||12:29 AM||hypr5@hotmail.com||I believe in cycling with 2 months on and 1 month off.I havent really seen any clear medical evidence showing that your body will stop producing its own on prolonged cycles but why would anyone even risk it.||||reg|| Z||000010||natch||12-19-2000||10:03 AM||||Yet, you want everybody to take your word, Risky?

Me, I think I'll stick to the info garnered from a multi-degreed M.D. who works in the pharmaceutical industry. As you would say; "he knows his sh*t".

To repeat, the body CAN and DOES synthesize creatine on its own from ingested proteins.

If you want to call a quite simple bonding of two aminos "produces on its own" go ahead and be my guest as the point isn't worth fighting over.

Did you know that you can produce creatine yourself, OUTSIDE of the body, by simply bonding these two isolated aminos. It's not a complex or complicated procedure. Not at all.

My point of contention is that no condition exists where an excess from outside sources will cause the body's abilty to synthesize it from the amino pool to cease.

It's not true.

If it's not needed at any particular time the body has no need to synthesize more- that, I'll give you.

But to suggest that you could somehow permanently shut down the body's ability to synthesize it is, as I said, absurd.

Again, we are not talking about a complex mechanism like with hormone production.||||reg|| Z||000011||jrnc||12-19-2000||06:17 PM||||Truly, the studies done on Creatine transporter downregulation have been grossly misinterpreted. These studies were done in petrie dishes in solutions of Creatine too concentrated to accurately mimic physiological conditions. Knowing this, researchers set out to find the answer. According to a recent study, Dr. Tarnopolsky (if you know Creatine research, you know who the man is) took biopsies of quadriceps muscles in bodybuilders using Creatine. He found that those bodybuilders who used Creatine did not experience Creatine transporter down-regulation, and this was after 8 weeks of constant use. 'Nuff said on that. This stupid theory has been propagated too long by misinformed bodybuilders who were mistakenly informed by such "luminaries" (note sarcasm) such as Bill Phillips. ||||reg|| Z||000012||victor belfort||12-28-2000||04:05 AM||badboyluta@yahoo.com||Ihear that creatine doesnt work its phycological, Is that a bunch of bs. Also if I have to be a Certain weight for a competition .l how long before shall i stop taking creatine?will i retain some strengh?||||reg||