A||||2||Hyprzo||ECA not working???|||||| Z||000000||Hyprzo||11-21-2000||06:28 PM||hypr5@hotmail.com||I recently started a fat loss diet and decided to add some xenadrine in there to help things out.I started taking it at half the dose for about 2 days then i went with the full dose after that.My question is why i dont feel that pumped.The first day was good but since then i dont feel much.I dont feel more energized at all.Could i somehow be unresponsive to it or should i increase the dose?

Age 17
Wt 190
bf ??||||reg|| Z||000001||Hyprzo||11-22-2000||12:11 AM||hypr5@hotmail.com||bump
||||reg|| Z||000002||theking||11-22-2000||03:14 PM||emv1169@yahoo.com||Just like any other drug, your body becomes habituated to the caffeine and ephedrine and more of the drug is needed to elicite the same initial response. If you are concerned with the thermogenic quality of the stack you are taking, don't worry, research has shown that the thermogenic effects of eca do not diminish over time. If you are more interested in the increased energy, yes you may have to increase the amount you take over time. You may try a 5 days on/2 days off cycle with it. This may lessen the habituation to the drug. Or you may try substituting a yohimbe/caffeine stack every other day.

it's now or never||||reg||