A||||4||TxRugby_8||Damn Good Day|||||| Z||000000||TxRugby_8||09-14-2000||12:57 AM||txruggin_8@yahoo.com||here's my supplementation for today:
Morning- Flax seed Oil, Alpha Lipoic Acid, Protoplex shake

Afternoon- ZMA, Vanadyl Sulfate, Alpha Lipoic Acid

Pre Workout- Mixed 1 serving of Phosphagen Hp and Ribose together and took with an additional 2.5 grams of taurine

During Workout-2.5 grams of creatine elixer

after Workout- protein shake and l-glutamine

going to bed- ZMA and l-glutamine

i know it sounds like a lot, but today was the first day that i experimented with the preworkout stuff and honest to god i had the best damn day in gym i have ever had. do you guys think i should throw anything in there or out of there? it sounds expensive but i get it all for wholesale.||||reg|| Z||000001||MaCPiMP1n||09-14-2000||01:02 AM||macpimp1n@yahoo.com||hey txrugby.. i was just wondering what ribose does exactly.. and does ZMA really work??? I mean is it worth it spending that much $$$ on ZMA?
me and you have almost the same supplementation program but i dont have RIBOSE and ZMA.. and instead of flax seed I use MCT Oil||||reg|| Z||000002||TxRugby_8||09-14-2000||01:08 AM||txruggin_8@yahoo.com||Bascically Ribose is energy. it promotes glucose synthesi, creates pyruvate and maintains adequate nucleotide levels. I'm not sure about the zma. people have told me you don't see the effects but your body does recieve them. i know i need more protein though. sorry bout the ZMA bro. but you should definitly look into some ribose.||||reg|| Z||000003||TxRugby_8||09-14-2000||01:09 AM||txruggin_8@yahoo.com||you can get some quality cheap ribose here: www.vitamins.com , most of the stuff is sold at wholesale.||||reg|| Z||000004||MaCPiMP1n||09-14-2000||01:11 AM||macpimp1n@yahoo.com||oh really? do you think that it will help my workout intensity/more energy??
im also taking therma pro(started today)..
Maybe Ill consider.. I need to gain some lean mass pretty quick(10-15lbs)... I still have 4mths left before cancun =)