A||||4||Will B.Huge||Tribulus and ZMA|||||| Z||000000||Will B.Huge||09-10-2000||07:52 PM||willbhuge@hushmail.com|| Has anybody every stacked these and if so how were your results.
Will||||reg|| Z||000001||Stacco||09-11-2000||12:00 PM||negroni99@yahoo.it||Zma will work if your zinc levels are low otherwise you'll just feel relaxed before going to bed, not bad anyway.. tribulus, works, but not all brands, choose the sopharma one. If stacked together you'll get some extra energy and strength, don't know about T levels||||reg|| Z||000002||Luv2Lift||09-12-2000||04:49 PM||luv2lift@ziplip.com||Trib works well for some, does nothing for others. ZMA will only help if your diet is deficient in zinc, which it probably isn't.
Try them, but don't expect any big results. Just my experience.||||reg|| Z||000003||Dweezle||09-20-2000||12:06 AM||dweezle_@hotmail.com||Tried them both. Alone and stacked. Noticed a little from the trib. in the way of strength and slept a bit better on ZMA.||||reg|| Z||000004||barney||09-20-2000||10:19 AM||chrism021@hotmail.com||noticed a little increase in libido on trib but no real strength gains yet, i think a lot of it is in the mind with strength gains and this product.||||reg||