A||||2||bigrand||BACKDOC!|||||| Z||000000||bigrand||09-09-2000||04:48 PM||rsolak@hotmail.com||Hey, i was wondering if you could help me with something. Im taking Lipok now for about 3 days and im not hived up like i got with DNP. How long would it take for me to come down with an allergic reaction to it. Also, must it be built up in your system before it works, or should i be hot and sweaty by now.
P.S. Is this the Doc that helped me with my personal family problems? I think you have my email. Id like to ask you some more questions about my schooling in the future.
My dad would have wanted me to continue in school.||||reg|| Z||000001||BackDoc||09-10-2000||12:26 AM||||I'm not sure if I'm the same one you talked to, but in any case, I'll mention something about the LipoK.

It has been known to cause allergic reactions in some people, or at least the lichen it is derived from. As far as how long it would take to have an allergic response, that would all depend on how allergic to it you are. There are several types of allergic responses, and they're too lengthy to go into detail here. You might try doing a search on PubMed under the search term "sodium usniate" or "usnic acid". You should find a report done in the past year that lists the ingredient on the allergen list.
Personally, I wouldn't take the stuff, but I'd take it long before I'd take DNP. That's just my opinion, though.
Did that help?||||reg|| Z||000002||bigrand||09-10-2000||04:36 AM||rsolak@hotmail.com||Well, i have taken DNP before (the Chiropractor i talked to told me not to, then he said "i told you so") and got a severe allergic reaction in my second cycle after about the 6th day. My doc told me that it was an uncommon body reaction after an allergic reaction where there is severe life threatening swelling. I needed prednisone for major joint swelling and stiffness. I havent gotten anything yet with UA.
Everyone thought i was dumb for taking it. They all said it would kill me, give me a hepatic liver, or cook my organs. I personally feel that an allergic reaction is an aboration that is unacountable for. I could be allergic to 1000 things. Ill never know until i get in contact with them. Without allergic reaction, i was extremly healthy, but 6 pounds lighter! ||||reg||