A||||2||Valdez||male birth control pill w/testosterone|||||| Z||000000||Valdez||09-05-2000||02:15 AM||bensshort@hotmail.com||Some studies i found. take the test save the rest!! anyone else know anything??British researches have discovered an effective pill form of contraceptive for men. The pill contains levels of the hormone progesterone, which is shown to reduce a man's sperm count to zero, reports CBS 2 News. To reduce the side effect of a lowered sex drive, men participating in the study wore a patch containing testosterone. Researchers say the men had no symptoms from taking the pills besides the lowered sperm count and the effects are easily reversed. Doctors say this new birth control pill marks a new phase in family planning. "It's giving the men an opportunity to participate responsibly in the contraceptive process," one doctor told CBS 2 News. The prescription drug is already available on the market, but CBS 2 News said doctors may want to wait for more research results before readily handing it out.
another article I found:
British scientists studying a new male contraceptive pill found it to be 100% effective in clinical tests and said it could be on the market within five years, Reuters reported.Scientists at Edinburgh University tested the pill on 60 men in Scotland and China. The sperm count in all of the men dropped to zero, and the pill had no side effects. The pill consists of a combination of the male sex hormone testosterone and desogestrel, a synthetic steroid found in the female birth control pill that temporarily inhibits sperm production.

||||reg|| Z||000001||Valdez||09-06-2000||02:47 AM||bensshort@hotmail.com||Bump, I want more info||||reg|| Z||000002||Ubermass||09-08-2000||12:28 AM||ubermass@hushmail.com||there was an article in thursdays sept 7 USA Today about it.
