A||||1||RicoNY||Norabol Side Effects|||||| Z||000000||RicoNY||08-22-2000||03:50 PM||ricosuave8x6@hotmail.com||Has anyone noticed side effects from Norabol?

I have had significant gains in strength and several pounds of mass -- very lean

However, I have started to feel some soreness in my nipples (but no feeling of a mass of fat or anything like that); My testicles have shrunk slightly (not so bad because they were pretty damn big to begin with); and my skin has broken out on my face (I have a propensity toward acne).

I am 5 weeks into my second cycle (2 pills, 3x a day). I plan to take the pills for only a 6-week cycle. And then to cycle back on after 2-4 weeks.

Has anyone had these types opf side effects?

Tell me about bitch tits -- is this how it starts?||||reg|| Z||000001||tobi121||08-23-2000||08:48 PM||atobi13@hotmail.com||been taking norabol and have not noticed any neg. side effects. Gained about 20lbs of lean mass and awesome strength gains, added about 40lbs to bench in about 5 weeks. Taking about a week off and will stack norabol with andro-infusion for about 6 weeks. Hope to get even better results.

Fear is your only God!!!||||reg||