A||N||20||Midnight||Protien Dosage: Scientific Proof |||||| Z||000000||Midnight||08-11-2000||12:10 PM||||I work at a university with and out of curiosity I consulted with a physiology professor. He told me that in order to maintain muscle mass a person needs .35g/lb and if I wanted to grow I should at least double that. I went to a kenesiology (sp) professor and he told me that anymore than 2g/kg of protein would be pissed out, no matter how intense my workouts were. I weigh 185lb and therefore should be consuming anywhere from 168g to 130g of protein daily. To be on the safe side I take in about 170g daily. My question, why do so many body builders take in these huge amounts of protein? Isn't that a waste of $$ and hard on the liver?||||reg|| Z||000001||NYJuicer||08-11-2000||12:15 PM||moocher21@aol.com||bump that... i'm pretty sure that as a hardcore bodybuilder, protein is not pissed out.. anybody else with thier opinion?||||reg|| Z||000002||Chip N.Dale||08-11-2000||01:07 PM||||People take in such large amounts of protein, because they're gullible morons.
If muscle magazines said eating 4 tabs of e a day would make you huge....there would be no more gyms....just raves...
But, since they sell protein, not e, they tell you to overdose that...
Extra gets pissed out. I don't care how hard core you are, or how much drugs you're on.
You're wasting your money, buying shakes with 50+ g's of protein in them, and would be better served to use those cals on fat.
||||reg|| Z||000003||NYJuicer||08-11-2000||01:36 PM||moocher21@aol.com||ok bros.. so you're telling me that when I'm on the juice... most of my so called "excess" proteins are pissed out? Roids drive more protein into your muscles.||||reg|| Z||000004||d1734||08-11-2000||10:42 PM||d1734@yahoo.com||lol!! pissed out? sorry but it doesn't work that way. excess protein is turned into glucose and burned for energy. or eventually turned into FFA and stored as fat. anyone who uses the term "pissed out" doesn't have a clue and instantly loses all credibility with anything related to nutrition, imo.

Midnight: i dare you to show me a single study showing that in HEALTHY individuals high protein intake is hard on the liver.

||||reg|| Z||000005||Homework||08-11-2000||10:56 PM||alchen_72@hotmail.com||excess protein isn't converted to glucose then broken down for energy; it's just broken down directly for energy. Animals can't make glucose, only plants could.||||reg|| Z||000006||d1734||08-11-2000||11:35 PM||d1734@yahoo.com||Homework you don't got a clue.

Here is a quote from "The Ketogenic Diet" by Lyle Mcdonald.

"As described in Chapter 5, dietary protein is converted to glucose with 58% efficiency (8). This reflects the fact that over half of the AAs can be readily converted to glucose."||||reg|| Z||000007||Recoome||08-12-2000||06:00 AM||recoome@wwf2k.com||Steroids allow you to utilize more protein because of increased protein synthesis. Anything that increases protein synthesis allows you to inrease your protein intake, steroids, an intense workout, whatever. Any you can 'piss out' excess protein. After eating a 16oz steak, and pissing afterwards, I can smell the stench of ammonia all in my urine...||||reg|| Z||000008||GetHuge||08-12-2000||11:26 AM||||It is because steroids increse the amount of protien you assimilate and prevents it from leaving to liver.||||reg|| Z||000009||d1734||08-12-2000||11:59 AM||d1734@yahoo.com||Recoome: no you CAN'T piss out protein. you might piss out ammonia, but not protein. and i highly doubt that you piss out ammonia, but i don't feel like researching it right now. i would suspect the ammonia is converted into urea before being excreted. i will check this out later.||||reg|| Z||000010||Chip N.Dale||08-12-2000||04:05 PM||||Protein is converted to glucose via gluconeogenesis....
Only if the body doesn't already have ample stores of glucose...
So amino's CAN be redily converted to glucose, however; they WON'T, unless your glycogen stores are severly depleted...
Yes, the body doesn't actually piss out the protein itself...but you get the idea.. it's the urea crystals that rifle thru your kidneys...
Juice improves protein synthesis...but you know as well as I do that it isn't magic...2 grams per lb. is more than sufficient..
...d1734....I don't have a clue? LOL...
I'm trying to help you...why not be appreciative?||||reg|| Z||000011||d1734||08-12-2000||07:17 PM||d1734@yahoo.com||chip: it was just cuz of the term "pissed out". that last post was much better. from the other one it sounded like u thought the excess protein just goes away and does nothing to the body.||||reg|| Z||000012||BackDoc||08-13-2000||01:03 AM||||d1734 is right in my opinion.
From a clinical standpoint, protein in the urine is bad mojo. Healthy individuals will not excrete protine in the urine...even if they take in extremely high amounts of it. Protein goes through hydrolysis from digestion and the remnant by-products are either used for the storage of fat, the production of energy (glucose-6-phosphate cycling--also called gluconeogenesis), or it is eliminated as solid waste. Some of the by-products are filtered from plasma in the loops of the kidney nephron after undergoing the process of the urea cycle. Ammonia is one of them, and yes, it is to a small degree eliminated in the urine. Moreover, high protein intake causes fluctuations in blood pH than in renal excretion capability. Too much protein may ultimately affect kidney performance, but that has yet to be proven in otherwise healthy individuals.
I've done urinalyses on many many athletes who consume large amounts of protein. None of them who are healthy pass it through the urine. If they did, then the protein indicator on the urinalysis strip would light up. Protein in the urine is a very serious indication of possible disease or dysfunction. Following extreme trauma, the existence of cancers, and heavy infection will result in protein in the urine. Not from a high protein intake.||||reg|| Z||000013||akbar||08-13-2000||07:33 AM||kaliksgp@netscape.net||Thanks doc but I'm also worried here I'm taking about 200grams will it damage my kidney & overload my liver.||||reg|| Z||000014||LuckyDog||08-13-2000||09:41 AM||luckydog@cybrtown.com||BackDoc, I sent you an e-mail a while back to your prevhealth e-mail address. Now it's gone. Do you have a new one that I can send the e-mail to. I have a couple of Q's for you. Thanks. LuckyDog.

If you want send me an e-mail if you don't want people knowing your e-mail addy. I'll just reply back. Thanks again
-LuckyDog-||||reg|| Z||000015||cockdezl||08-14-2000||08:42 PM||||Finally, BACKDOC comes through with the answer. Protein is not excreted as proteins in the urine, to any appreciable degree, since the kidneys filter out whole proteins and return them to the body. The portion of protein that is excreted is UREA, which is a byproduct of deamination of the aminos. Humans do not excrete appreciable amounts of ammonia in urine, except under certain conditions. The excretion of urea is NOT an indicator that protein is being wasted, but simply that the body has metabolised the amino's into various metabolites: keto acids, glucose, creatine, etc. Like others stated, protein is either used for energy, repair or storage (fat).

Bodybuilders tend to eat high protein diets while on low carb/low fat diets. This is to protect the body proteins from catabolism and also to give an alternate fuel source, since carbs have been deprived. With the keto diets, this is not necessary since fats are considered the alternate fuel source and huge protein intakes are not required and possibly non-productive. Also, on normal diets, some bodybuilders eat huge protein quantities simply due to total caloric intake. When one takes in 5000 calories/day they will tend to have a high protein intake.||||reg|| Z||000016||benthic_one||08-15-2000||10:26 AM||benthic_one@yahoo.com||Not only is excess protein not useful, it can hinder a body builders goals. Excess protien can be shuttled into the Krebs cycle (skipping glycolysis) and used as energy (= intermediate metabolism). What that means is that if you are trying to get cut and are consuming huge amounts of proteins it will be more difficult to burn fat as you are inhibiting fat metabolism (you have a more readily available energy source that doesn't dip into your fat reserves). I have never seen any convincing data on how much protein is needed or what the limits of anabolism are. I think the jury is still out.||||reg|| Z||000017||Plato||08-16-2000||07:13 PM||askplato@yahoo.com||OK, while we're on it, how do you guys spread
out your protein intake throughout the day? What's the most you take in at any one time and how long do you/should you wait before protein intake?||||reg|| Z||000018||riskybiz007||08-17-2000||12:12 AM||riskybiz007@hotmail.com||i try to eat something every 3 hours. i'll have big meals but between the meals i'll have 1 scoop of protein shake. About the protein intake deal, i know many dieticians believe excess is useless, and body builders say opposite. Since the starting of my lifting this question has been tossed around, i really wish someone knew the answer.||||reg|| Z||000019||Flexxx||08-22-2000||06:49 PM||||I hate to bring it up but there is no magic number of grams of protein to take. It varies enormously from person to person. It all depends on genetics, medication, sauce, training, diet, sleep, etc.

Basically, if you are in negative nitrogen balance you need more protein, positive nitrogen balance and you have enough protein.

The scientists can take all their fancy formulas and shove them, You have to discover what works for you.||||reg|| Z||000020||el ass-o wipe-o||08-22-2000||07:09 PM||j05d23c73@hotmail.com||guys, guys...
ok, how hard is this to figure out? eat as much protein as u can, train, if u smell like amonia,.. a by-product of excess protein, u taper down your protein. let's say 10 grams a day until the smell is gone. stay at that level for a week. do this back and forth until u have figured out how much your body can assimilate. and here's something else for all u ultra low fat dieters out there, your body doesn't obsorb protein without fat.
rocket science makes my brain hurt!!!


...and i break u over my knee, like so!!!||||reg||