A||||3||TxRugby_8||Can u get Gyno from Androstein by Pro Lab???|||||| Z||000000||TxRugby_8||08-02-2000||09:23 PM||txruggin_8@yahoo.com||this may sound dumb, but i'm wondering, can u get Gyno from Androstein by pro lab?||||reg|| Z||000001||Luv2Lift||08-03-2000||03:54 PM||luv2lift@ziplip.com||You could develop gyno from any andro product. The andro can raise your estrogen levels and if you are genetically pre-disposed to gyno, you could get titties. Try maybe using Androstenediol (4AD) to avoid the estrogen conversion.||||reg|| Z||000002||pump-n-iron||08-03-2000||11:19 PM||mburress@ix.netcom.com||Supposedly using chrysin turns off the
body's "too much testro need estrogen"
response which is where you get the
gyno. You might consider trying it.||||reg|| Z||000003||Luv2Lift||08-04-2000||03:02 PM||luv2lift@ziplip.com||Save your $$ on the Chrysin. Further research I've seen showed it really does nothing to control estrogen in men.||||reg||