A||||3||someguy||235|||||| Z||000000||someguy||07-31-2000||02:34 PM||||235 I think it said....||||reg|| Z||000001||someguy||07-31-2000||02:35 PM||||argh....sorry ||||reg|| Z||000002||Serial Joe||08-01-2000||10:11 PM||||Darn you figured me out.....*sighs* I just can't go sneking around the boards anymore...

But Testoman when will you reveal that you're Tim Patterson?

Or look Bill Phillips is on this thread too! And Scott Connelly! Gee the gang's all here!

Where's Joe Weider? Anyone seen TC Luoma?

||||reg|| Z||000003||Serial Joe||08-01-2000||10:14 PM||||WTF? This post was supposed to appear in the muscletech scam thread....

this board is screwed up, now I can't post in the MT thread...
