A||||4||weight benches smell good||Is this stupid? (please read)|||||| Z||000000||weight benches smell good||07-20-2000||11:35 AM||mrvi@freewwweb.com||I have had very good results with creatine and lots of protein. I just started back with the same routine and added xenadrine to help eliminate a little body fat. My question is will the xenadrine negate the effect of the creatine or should I just use one or the other. The xenadrine really seems to be helping my work outs. But, with creatine encouraging water retention and xenadrine not I don't want them canceling each other out. I had heard the creatine influences water retention in the muscles and xenadrine eliminates water in fat not muscle.

Any opinions or information would be GREATLY appreciated.||||reg|| Z||000001||Luv2Lift||07-20-2000||12:03 PM||luv2lift@ziplip.com||I don't think there's a problem using both. I cycle creatine and take a "fat burner" to energize my workouts too. I guess it could depend on what qty of fat burner you take daily?||||reg|| Z||000002||Blow||07-20-2000||04:45 PM||||Not a flame lov but your totally giving him bad advise, and your wrong. Make sure you research it again if your not sure. Taking both at the same time totally defeats the purpose of using both. Creatine gives you water weight. Xenadrine dehidrates you and gets rid of water weight, cause of the caffine, and thats what burns the fat. So dont take both at the same time, it doesnt work.||||reg|| Z||000003||RaginAsian||07-20-2000||09:17 PM||raginasian@888.nu||Blow is correct. Here's some good combos: Glutamine+ECA, Glutamine+Creatine (not same time though), Glutamine+whatever. Glutamine is tops, provided the rest of your diet is sound.

Ragin Asian||||reg|| Z||000004||MaxMuscle||07-20-2000||11:57 PM||maxmuscle0616@aol.com||Yeah, Blow is correct. Caffine actually negates the effects of creatine.

Go Huge Or Go Home||||reg||