A||||1||vince1255||creatine|||||| Z||000000||vince1255||07-19-2000||01:17 PM||gil0679@aol.com||Been working out for about 3 1/2 months now, dropped from 238 to 218 lbs. Really pleased on my results. Would like to work on bigger arms, how much weight will I put on taking creatine, since I will retain water using it

||||reg|| Z||000001||YellowD98||07-19-2000||01:27 PM||||A whole lot of water and very little muscle. Creatine is mostly used to give you extra energy when you're working out, to push your muscles harder. That is what helps you build muscle, not the creatine itself. Buy it, use it, and keep working out. Its very safe taken at 5g a day and wont hurt you. Don't expect miracles. If you use it for the first time, you'll see yourself gain maybe 10 to 15 pounds in the first month. A lot will be water, but you'll look bigger, feel bigger, and hopefully lift bigger. ||||reg||