A||||3||buckydingdong||After LipoK....|||||| Z||000000||buckydingdong||07-18-2000||12:34 PM||mhunt@utk.edu||After I finish taking Lipokinetix, it says to cycle off with guggulbolic. I alreay have about 25 pills of Metabolic Thyrolean left over from a previous time. COuld I just use those? the directions are pretty unspecific...how long should I cycle off?||||reg|| Z||000001||Digga||07-18-2000||01:56 PM||digga28@yahoo.com||A good rule of thumb with fat burners is to cycle off for however long you went on them. So if on 4 weeks, then off 4 weeks. This allows your receptors to recuperate for your next cycle.

digga||||reg|| Z||000002||buckydingdong||07-19-2000||01:49 AM||mhunt@utk.edu||Sorry my question wasn't very clear. What I need to know is, should I take at thyroid enhancing type supp like guggolbolic for the equal length of my lipo cycle, or is like 2 weeks or so enough.||||reg|| Z||000003||Pamela||07-19-2000||05:14 AM||||Bump!
I would like to know this too!||||reg||