A||||6||toronto||creatine|||||| Z||000000||toronto||07-02-2000||12:02 PM||||i am considering using creatine and i was wondering if i will see any gains and how long they will take and what weight gains can i expect to see||||reg|| Z||000001||Beezers||07-02-2000||07:11 PM||fluffheadgolgi@yahoo.com||5 pounds of water. You might feel strong at first, be able to get an extra rep or two, but the feeling will soon go away. Creatine dosn't make muscles grow, just helps keep them energized so you can get an extra rep or an extra pound. That is what makes the muscles grow. You will hold a lot of water and that is where the weight will come from.||||reg|| Z||000002||toronto||07-05-2000||09:35 AM||||how many days before i will begin to notice any effect?||||reg|| Z||000003||Boogieman||07-05-2000||09:39 AM||ytk2000@hushmail.com||in about a week, for me at least. may vary from person to another.

Don't kick it till ya try it!||||reg|| Z||000004||toronto||07-05-2000||09:57 AM||||so far i have been using pure creatine with water for 3 days and have not got any gains should i be taking it with something else or will it just not work for me or should i be using a different type of creatine. ||||reg|| Z||000005||YellowD98||07-06-2000||10:29 AM||||Creatine won't add very much to your performance. Usually its very marginal, pushing you closer to failure which in turn wears down your muscles a little more which promotes more growth. Don't expect any miracles, take it like you would take a vitamin. Buy the cheapest creatine monohydrate you can, usually twenty bucks will buy you a three months supply. Take it with grape juice or fruit juice. Dont take more than 5 mg a day after you load if you load, its just a waste.||||reg|| Z||000006||RPM||07-06-2000||12:33 PM||||Creatine works for some people and does very little for others. Andro is the same way. Creatine works great for me and Andro does nothing. My first cycle I gained 25lbs and 60lbs on my bench. I didnt lose an ounce after I went off. You gotta take it the right way and some brands work better than others. You also have to lift HEAVY while on it. Taking it the right way is 90% off making it work. Take it with a complex carb like ultrafuel--half hour before workout. And drink at least 12 glasses of water a day so you dont get cramps. ||||reg||