A||||4||cackerot||creatine super cycle|||||| Z||000000||cackerot||06-15-2000||11:45 PM||cackerot@webtv.net||
i got this off of t-mag.

week 1-0.35g/k
weeks 2-5-0.15g/k
week 6-off
week 7-0.35g/k
week 8-0.15g/k
weeks 9-12-off
repeat cycle

the originator of this cycle claims you will gain 15% bodyweight increase and a 20% strength increase in one cycle. is this a worthwile cycle? ||||reg|| Z||000001||cackerot||06-16-2000||07:24 PM||cackerot@webtv.net||bump||||reg|| Z||000002||YellowD98||06-18-2000||12:47 AM||||Sounds like some bullcrap to me. Everything I have ever read about creatine says it doesn't need to be cycled. Taking a lot of creatine won't do much, once your muscles are saturated, the rest goes to waste. For me, taking creatine is like taking any other vitamin, take 4 or 5g a day and you're good to go. Using anymore than that and its usually gonna end up in the piss pot.||||reg|| Z||000003||Recoome||06-26-2000||12:47 PM||recoome@wwf2k.com||What issue of T-mag was this from?||||reg|| Z||000004||cackerot||06-26-2000||10:02 PM||cackerot@webtv.net||it was on the online mag. it was in one of the q+a sections.||||reg||