A||||1||markp||Androsol by biotest|||||| Z||000000||markp||06-02-2000||08:46 AM||galdiator@hushmail.com||Anyone know where I can get Androsol by biotest. GNC doesnt have it, my Gym doesnt have it, Vitamin Shoppe doesnt have it, netrition.com doesnt have it.... where is it?||||reg|| Z||000001||Dlady27||06-02-2000||11:23 AM||giggyeyes@yahoo.com||You need to go to the site : www.biotest.com
this is where you can find all of their products.

Correction here: www.bdsclpt.com

[This message has been edited by Dlady27 (edited June 02, 2000).]||||reg||