A||N||4||Schnep22||gyno|||||| Z||000000||Schnep22||01-24-2000||11:08 AM||schnep22@hotmail.com||What is the latest info on getting rid of slight gyno? I've tried flaxseed oil and chrysin, but these don't seem to help at all. Anybody got some new info or ideas I can try?||||reg|| Z||000001||KGW||01-25-2000||05:51 PM||||Flax seed oil worked for me but you have to stay with it for a while. I was also off the sauce for a few months before any results started to happen. good luck||||reg|| Z||000002||macrophage69alpha||01-26-2000||08:41 PM||macrophage69alpha@hushmail.com||Flax seel oil wont help unless it is high in lignans- these are the guys that act like antiestrogens. and then it may only help a little. There are 4 ways that I know of to get rid of GYNO.

SURGERY- very effective, expensive, not my first choice.

PGF2a- I know several people who have totally gotten rid of their gyno by injecting pgf2a either into or right next to tissue.

ANTIESTROGENS combined with A TOPICAL ANDROGEN CREAM: I do not know anyone who has used this method but it is sound in theory, I believe that the french have a topical dht cream- though I do not recall the name offhand.

Topical Yohimbine with ECA orals: This will tend to work if you have soft tissue gyno or fatty gyno if you have hard tissue gyno this will probably not work- most soft tissue gyno cases are from higher than average estrogen levels where a large amount of fat is gained during that period- which most commonly occurs at puberty.

MP||||reg|| Z||000003||xrciseink||01-27-2000||10:33 PM||||A product known as indole 3-carbinol is supposedly the best OTC antiest. Dont know how true, but I know of one person it worked for. If you want it. E-mail me Xrciseink@aol.com||||reg|| Z||000004||BIGBADFKR||01-30-2000||05:28 PM||||bro, once the lump is there, more than likely you got to get it cut out.
trust me, ive had mine cut.